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( FEBRUARY 14TH, 2001 )

( FEBRUARY 14TH, 2001 )

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CHARLIE WAS MORE THAN USED TO LATE NIGHTS HUNCHED OVER HER DESK, STUDYING TIRELESSLY. Well, not quite tirelessly, since she was more than exhausted by this point, but that was beside the point. She was struggling to focus on her essay when she heard a knock coming from the window. She turned to see her bright-haired girlfriend Lyra Vega balanced on their steepled roof grinning wildly from outside.

"What the hell are you doing?" Charlie cried as she pulled Lyra in quickly. "It's below freezing out there, nevermind the fact that you climbed onto my roof while it was snowing!" Lyra only laughed, ducking through Charlie's arms to collapse onto her bed, burying herself into the other's warm, fluffy comforter.

"Well, you never stop bloody working and seeing as it's almost midnight and you've missed my past five calls, I figured it was time for an intervention!" Lyra gave Charlie a cheeky grin, which prompted her to hit Lyra in the face with a pillow. Her bright blue curls flew wildly around her head upon its impact, and Lyra quickly picked up the projectile and returned fire.

Charlie caught the pillow with a smug smile and sat it down behind her, before dramatically collapsing onto the mattress underneath her. Lyra quickly followed suit, and tucked herself under Charlie's arm, planting a quick kiss on her cheek. Charlie blushed slightly before flicking her girlfriend's nose. causing her to giggle.

"Not to complain, but what are you doing here anyway? It's late Ly, you should be at home." Charlie looked down at her in confusion, before Lyra shrugged and rolled over, propping herself up on an elbow.

"I called you hours ago love," Lyra responded, rolling her eyes. "School sent out an announcement, it's canceled." Charlie furrowed her brow but let Lyra continue. "There was some vandalism, tons of classrooms were damaged, supposedly it's pretty bad. So, we're free at least for tomorrow, probably for the rest of the week."

Charlie groaned in frustration and draped her arm over her eyes, peeking though to say "You mean to tell me that essay I was writing for Dr. Coleman isn't due!" Lyra burst out laughing hysterically while Charlie swatted her. "It's not funny! I spent hours on that thing and now I don't even have to turn it in tomorrow!" She continued grumbling until Lyra kissed her, effectively cutting off all of her complaints.

"You know what that means though?" Charlie raised an eyebrow in confusion before shaking her head. "We get to spend all of Valentine's day together! I talked to your mum hours ago, she's chill with me spending the night, but you just wouldn't open your damn door so I figured I had to do something a little more wild to get your attention."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2020 ⏰

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