Sneak Peek

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                                                   ~SNEAK PEEK~

"Come on, sweet cheeks, it's just one dance and afterward you won't see my face again. Even your friends here agree with me. All I'm asking for is one dance, not for you to chop your arm off," he says laughing at his small joke at the end of his sentence.

My eye twitches as he continues to stare down at me as he bites pink bottom lip. I was more than irritated, I was furious, I was furious at both him and my friends who seem to love to play matchmaker. For whatever reason they just would not understand that I didn't want to date, I just wanted to finish up my last year in school and head off to college in the fall. It seemed as though every time I met a guy, they wanted me to go out with him no matter how long I knew the person or how well I knew the person. I mean seriously the only thing I knew about Jesse was that he was criminal and bad news. But the only way something bad wouldn't happen was if I just gave in and did what the criminal said.

After all, he's probably hiding a gun underneath that leather jacket.

Sighing loudly and irritably, I stand up from the zebra print chair I was sitting in and turn towards the curly blonde haired giant. I stood on my tip toes to try and reach his ear, but the guy was still too tall for me. I lick my lips a little and try my best to hide the nervousness in my voice when I say, "Chopping my arm off isn't my job. You are the murderer in the room, remember?"

After placing my feet back on the ground I cross my arms and watch as he bites his lip in amusement and raise his eyebrows. He chuckled lightly before turning to the two traitors sitting in their own chairs silently squealing. "She was just telling me how good I looked."

My mouth snaps open and before I could say anything he grabs me by the arm and begins to drag me through the crowd to the middle of the floor while laughing. I stare back at my friends with my mouth still agape and my eyes wide before mouthing the word, "traitors."

Soon we came to a stop in the middle of the floor and the warmth of Jesse's big hand was gone. He was dancing while grinning as he watched people bump into me. He laughs probably at how frustrated I was with him, my friends and these wild dancers. He continued to dance and chuckle every now and then whenever someone bumped me all because I was just standing there.

He laughs loudly when a girl with way too bright pink hair flips her hair in my face causing some of the hair to go in my mouth. It was like cotton candy just minus the sugar. After spitting the hair out of my mouth I glared in the direction of the girl who was oblivious to what she had just done before my glare went to Jesse who was still laughing and clutching his stomach as he tried to dance. I clench my fists at my sides and growl. "It's not funny you jerk!"

He stops laughing for a moment, but doesn't stop moving to the beat. He's silent for a few more seconds before finally he chuckles and smirks. "Oh so I'm a jerk now? Just a week ago I was a criminal; it's funny how things change so fast. Hmm, now dance with me sweet cheeks."

I sighed and start to sway my hips from side to side. I would have just told him no, but what was the point in doing so now after all these minutes I've wasted just standing here getting hair in my face and sweaty bodies slapped against my small frame. I've had enough time to say, "Go to hell," and just walk away. Well not before kneeing him in the groin or stomping on his foot.

The song continues to play in the background and I quickly start to move right with the beat like everybody else was. Jesse was grinning from ear to ear, but I just shut my eyes and imagined myself alone in a room dancing to the beat. "There you go," I hear Jesse's voice say faintly before all I can hear is music. I'm still swaying my hips from side to side as I turn in the opposite direction and cross my arms so my hands are resting on the opposite hip. I move my head to the beat and smile as I bring one hand up to let my raven colored hair out of the high ponytail it was in. I feel my hair hit just above where the curve of my butt started. I smile wider and bring my hand back down to the hip it was resting on moments before, but instead of my hand coming in contact with the fabric of my skirt it comes in contact with skin.

My eyes quickly snap open and I'm faced with a crowd of people dancing, glow sticks flying everywhere, and strobe lights blinding me. I quickly turn my head slightly and see a body behind me, pressed against the backside of my body before moving my eyes down to wear my hands rested on top on somebody else's hands. Quickly I stopped moving and whipped around with my mouth wide open.

It was Jesse.


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