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     THE SEASON SEEMED TO BE STARTING OFF ON a very good note. Our team had won the first game of the season, which kind of wasn't a surprise in any kind of way. I remember our school going against this same team last year and I remember how scrawny they were. I actually felt bad for their team, but in the end it was just a game.

At the end of the first game, Joshua tried talking to me, but before he could I quickly found my parents and left. I've been trying my best to avoid Joshua and so far I was doing a pretty good job. I knew eventually I was going to have to talk to him, but right now I didn't want to be bothered with drama. I knew Joshua was upset that I was avoiding him but he was just going to have to get over it because he was after all the reason why I was ignoring him.

I saw him a few times in the hallways at school but I always managed to get away before he saw me or caught up with me. There were a couple of times where he came close to catching me, but I was saved by the bell or my friends who showed up at the right time.

The Saturday after that Friday night game, I got two calls from him, which I ignored, and about ten texts that I also ignored. The guy just wouldn't give up and it has gotten to the point where as though I want to hear what he has to say so he can just leave me alone. Maybe I should be freaked out at the amount of phone calls and texts I've received from him in just one weekend, but even when Joshua and I were dating and got into petty arguments he still blew up my phone until I accepted his apology.

By the time the weekend was over and the school week started, I was over Joshua and just wanted to hear him out. I had first period with him but since he was absent that class, I just figured he wasn't at school that day. It was a relief that he wasn't there that day since I had no idea what I would be getting myself into by talking to him, but I just wanted to get him off my back as soon as possible.

By last period, I had only received two texts from Joshua. The first one I got was sent to me during lunch and the second was sent to me while I was walking to my last period class. They both said the same thing which was "call me" with a little heart at the end. Of course I could always just call him and get this settled but I would rather settle this face to face.

"Anymore text from your lover?"

I look up from my notes sitting in front of me before turning to face Kaitlin who sat right behind me. I stare at her for a couple of seconds and watch as her lips curl up into a smile before my eyes narrow. "He's not love for your information and, thankfully, no I have not received any new text from Joshua. He's like a thorn in my side."

"Hey! But you went out with this "thorn in your side" in case you don't remember. Plus, I think it's sweet that he's trying to talk to you. Clearly, he still has feelings for you and I'm quite sure you still do too. I see the way you look at him," Kaitlin gushes.

My eyes widen before they once again narrow into slits. "Please remind me why I'm friends with you?"

She laughs and looks at me as if the answer to my question were obvious. "Because I'm awesome and you love me. I'm just kidding Honey Bun, but I still think you and Joshua should make up. I don't know why you two broke up and I don't care to know because I can already tell it was over a petty argument."

Yeah, because me not being ready to lose my virginity is a petty argument.

I roll my eyes, and give her a half smile. "It's nice to know that you and Courtney both want me to have some sort of love life, but I'm perfectly fine being single. Like I said before, I just want to spend my senior year having fun with you and Courtney. We don't know if we're going to be attending the same college in a year from now so why not spend our time together now?"

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