Part 17- He what?

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I got off the plane and immediately there was cameras and paparazzi everywhere. I pulled my hood up and went as quickly as I could to the taxi rank. As soon as I got there I jumped into the taxi and gave him the address. We drove in silence because I didn't really feel up to talking.

I knocked on the door to my house realising I hadn't got my key.

"Ryan seriously you left 10 minutes ago" Tilly laughed through the door as she unlocked it and was shocked when she looked up to see my tear stained face.

"Mollie?" She said in a state of shock. I wasted no time in throwing myself into her arms and crying.

We moved into the living room and she made me a cup of tea.

"What happened why are you back so soon?" She asked while hugging me into her chest.

I explained everything to her and started crying again.

"He what?" She said angrily.

"But even after everything he said on your TV interview" She said confused.

"What when he didn't say he loved me back and when he went silent when James asked him if it was for publicity? How stupid am I?" I laughed and threw my mug at the wall facing us watching it shatter and fall to the ground in pieces.

We flicked on the TV and straight away the news came up with pictures of me.

'Ditched by Joe'

'Breakup broke her?'

'In it for the fame?'


Different articles appeared on screen and Tilly went to turn it over but I stopped her. I needed to see it.

"So it has yet to be confirmed but it looks like Mollie and Joe have split in a massive row over fame, It is rumoured that she used him for fame and now he has found out so she has runaway back to her home town, tune in tomorrow when we have Joe in the studio to give us some truth in what has actually happened". I turned the TV off after hearing this. He was going to do exactly what he had planned and there was nothing I could do about it.

I went to bed but I couldn't fall asleep, all I could think about was Joe and even after everything I still loved him. I wanted him to come and knock on the door and tell me again that he loved me but I knew it wasn't going to happen.

I lay still in bed just thinking of the last few months before I managed to finally cry myself to sleep.

Just a short filler chapter here, hope you enjoyed it.

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