Part 24- Let me in

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I sat on the sofa in the suite that was looking out on LA. I sipped on my hot chocolate and snuggled up into one of Joe's hoodies that I had taken when I left, it made the baby warm and happy because it smelt like its daddy.

A knock sounded at the door. I got up and went to answer it.

There he stood, How did he know where I was staying?

I stepped aside and allowed for him to enter, I was too tired to fight and it wouldn't help the situation anyway. He looked at my tear stained face and I could see the guilt rising in his eyes.

"Please be quiet Tilly is asleep" I said as I sat back on the sofa in the same position. He nodded and moved towards the sofa, he sat on the other side of it but so he was facing me.

"I'm sorry for everything" He said as he looked down and played with his hands.

"I know" I mumbled.

"But you have to believe me when I say that I love you with all of my heart Mollie" He moved closer to me and grabbed my hands in his.

"I know what I did at the start was wrong but I really did fall for you!".

I could feel my hormones starting up again, damn pregnancy.

"You really hurt me" I cried. He engulfed me into a hug which I accepted. I had missed his warmth and his scent. Being in his arms again felt right.

"Please give me a chance to prove this to you" He whispered as he stroked my hair.

"One chance" I whispered back. I wasn't sure whether it was the pregnancy, how tired I was, or because I truly love him that I agreed.

"Thankyou" He cried still holding me tight.

He then pulled away and looed towards my stomach which was covered by his hoodie.

"Were you ever going to tell me?" I looked down and shook my head, there was no point in lying to him.

He just sighed and got up, he placed a kiss on my forehead and proceeded to leave.

"Get some sleep I will be back in the morning" He said just as he was about to leave. I stood up quickly.

"I'm flying home tomorrow!" I blurted quickly.

"But I thought you were giving me another chance..." He said coming back in and closing the door.

"My life is at home now... I can't just up and move back here" He looked saddened.

"But-" I cut him off I didn't have the energy right now.

"I'm really tired... Let's talk about this another time" I said as I pushed him out of the door.

I went and got into bed thinking about everything.

What was going to happen because I don't want to move and I'm sure he doesn't either?

Would he leave Graham and Olivia for me? I wouldn't want him to do that.

But I wasn't prepared to leave Tilly behind either, she had just started her Uni scholarship, I couldn't move her away from that.

The biggest question playing on my mind was whether or not he would be there for the baby... OUR baby.

Thanks for still reading this story it means a lot!

Love you guysss x

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