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"Kanna? Where are you?! we are going to be late~!!!" Nallo screamed aloud at me while I was sitting down on my bed. 

I completely forgot that I had school today, I should have been wiser about the time I had to get ready and the time I had to daydream, If my mother heard that I was late for my first day of school and this new academy, she would never forgive me, she had spent so much to even have me enrolled her.

BlueWillow Academy: for children of Magic, 

I might be the only Neko in the world, but it doesn't mean I am the only one who has magic in this world, I still haven't figured out my element but no matter what I bet it will match with my personality, Fire or Darkness, it will link to my future. 

I then realized I was daydreaming again, Nallo was now making a commotion downstairs definitely trying to get my attention.

I finally got up from my bed and walked down the stairs, I swished my hand motioning for my bag to come for me. as it levitated towards me Nallo had caught sight of it, she ran for me. 

"KANNA!~ Why did you take so long?!" Nallo yelled at me.

"Sorry, Daydreamed a bit too early," I said looking down at my hands that were now holding a floral bag. Nallo and I then spent a minute of looking around- completely forgetting we had a school to go to. She looked up at me then her eyes widened.

"R-RIGHT SCHOOL!" Nallo screamed at the top of her lungs. I looked at her frightened, then grabbed my backpack and left in a rush for school, I saw loads of kids walking slowly. Their hair was nicely done. in a sort of hair clip way, none of them had ears, I guess I seriously was the only neko in the world. I didn't expect me to be unique but I guess this proves it.

Nallo was galloping behind me quickly, I was sprinting, levitating my backpack behind me so I wouldn't have to hold onto it while running, everybody could do basic magic, but doing elemental magic was completely different, just imagine someone using basic magic dueling someone with fire magic, It'd be a complete mess.

(I swear to death- 30 minutes of work was just deleted because of a picture, IM SO MAD RIGHT NOW)

I Stopped at the sight of my school. I smelled the air trying to determine the student's elements just like an Elliot.

(Elliot: An Elliot is someone who determines the element of first-year students. There is only three of them in the world, two of them in the world are known and are currently at an academy guessing the elements of  the students, but one is still yet not known, so at the school {BlueWillow} they are using Elliot magic to determine the elements,) 

But yet as I already know the likely hood of me being an Elliot is so low that an ant can't even limbo underneath it.

(My computer just turned off randomly and I was scared half to death that my part was deleted)

I looked and saw that Nallo left me obviously trying to find some new friends.

I made my tail disappear, then kept walking on. I didn't want to get caught up in her quest to find new friends, because I knew if they saw she was hanging out with a weirdo like me they would not even want to be invited over to her house which was very nice. Two stories five bedrooms. (even though she was an only child, and the rest of the rooms were empty.)

I looked to my other side and saw boys and girls looking at me not in fright, but in awe. I guess I was a bit not normal, but my ears were perfect sized and majestic.

I made my hair grow so long it dragged on the ground, (no one else had this power) I then kept walking adn moved towards the school everyone was watching as I walked through the doors, as I did the bell rang loudly.

Everyone else now was run-walking towards me trying to get through the doors as well, this school was a 1st year- 12th year.

This would be one long school year until I graduate. I was currently a first-year, probably exactly as expected, I saw a tall woman holding a great long silver staff with a blue gem as the crest. Students then lined up in the seats, everyone looked so happy, I was just happy to be somewhere other than my home for the rest of my life, this was a school that was an overnight school, So I would only be home on breaks and summer, I found breaks to be more fun though because it wasn't just smashed all into two months.

I sat down with the rest of the students, then waiting patiently for them to call my name so I could go up and see what my Element was.

"Nallo Sha" The woman called aloud, Nallo stood up and walked towards her, as she reached her the woman held out her staff and swished it above her head, Minature green leaves fell from the staff and landed on her head."Earth," The woman said flatly, she lifted her staff and motioned for Nallo to leave the stage, Nallo did so and took her seat. "Grayson Joon", a boy who appeared to be Grayson stood up as well and dragged himself among the stage, the woman seemed annoyed so she pulled him towards her, and again swished the staff among his head, red fire sparks fell from the staff this time, "Fire" She said again, Grayson was the pushed off the stage by her, she didn't seem like she was in a good mood, A face of confusion swept over her annoyed face. "Oh dear.. do we have a Kanna Aiesley Nana Naomi Ae-chan?" She asked among us, definitely expecting this to be a prank. I looked up blushing furiously, I placed my hoodie over my neko ears and walked towards the woman, she looked at me with a face of wonder. "Soo, is that your actual name Naomi?" the woman asked me. I nodded and looked straight at all of the confused faces. She swished the staff once more around my head, something unexpected happened. Green leaves, red fire sparks, Golden flows of light, blue flows of light, purple flows of light, miniature swords, cats and humans, and rainbow light flew from the staff, she looked at it, then caught the attention of the rainbow light. She smiled in happiness." Finally, an Elliot..." I looked up at her.


(This should keep you occupied correct? I spent a lot of time on this so please read with care!!!!!)

-Author (Amanda) ^-^

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