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"You should be careful,  it says here she will end your great future..." a  PStrange boy advised.

"Pfft, is she is going to, I'd be better off pranking her first so shes too scared to even fight us off..." PJi-Yeon replied.

"Tai-Gun, wouldn't you be better off not even talking to us? and maybe keep your visions to yourself as well, everyone knows you are Tai-Faker... Faking visions to make other belief in bad future." PJae-Hyuk said threateningly to PTai-Gun. PTai-Gun's eyes go completely black, purple air emits from his fingertips, he closes his eyes, and opens them more violently. 

"Jae-Hyuk falls for Kanna, fights off terror, but then grows some for himself. Rejected by his love, depression meets  him,  finding a girl who loves him, but he is still blinded by his love Kanna and ends up hurting the girl, she runs away and takes revenge on Kanna, Jae-Hyuk didn't notice any of this, Kanna ends up fending for herself--" PTai-Gun chants, he was having a vision. PTai-Gun closes his eyes, and his eyes are normal when he opens them again, their normal purple eye color. He looks down, embarrassed, expecting to be made fun of for having a vision right in front of the few people who didn't believe him.

"Now I know you are a faker, there's no way I'd fall for an Elliot, especially if she's a first-year," PJae-Hyuk says, obviously taking offense to PTai-Guns vision.

"I-I can't," CMin-Ji says aloud.

(C{Name} means Current {Name})

Everyone goes back to their normal current selves, Jae-Hyuk is slightly flushed from having Kanna listen to his apparent future, Min-Seo looks absolutely jealous.

"Shall we ignore everything else that happened after Tai-Gun came in?" Jae-Hyuk asked quietly, looking at the floor.

"That is a great idea..." Kanna replied, still looking straight ahead. "I think I should go to the housing feast now, shouldn't I?" She asked.

"Y-yeah, don't wanna miss the feast, it's almost necessary for being here," Jae-Hyuk responded. Kanna bowed quietly and walked out of their way, and into the Dining house. Blue ribbon was tied in every corner possible. As she came closer to the room the more noise and chatter she heard, she peeked around the pillar and found the entire school sitting down eating and talking to eachother, Kanna didn't know anything about the school, but she guessed that after they ate they'd be housed. As Kanna walked into the dining house people stared at her, startled by the fact that there was someone that didn't get into the dining house yet, as they saw it was Kanna, they turned their attention back to their friends and food.

"Is that her? the fake Elliot?" A third-year girl asked her friends.

"Pfft, like that even is an Elliot, Elliots are more graceful and pretty looking." A second-year girl pointed out. Kanna ignored these comments, and kept on walking down the empty section, at the end were a bunch of first-years that still weren't housed, Kanna sat with them and watched as they filled her plate for her with a bunch of foreign foods she had never tried.

"O-Oh, okay.. thanks," Kanna mumbled as they were all busy filling her plate without asking her permission. They nodded and went back to eating their own food. which in any case did not look the same compared to the rest of the first-years plates, Kanna looked down at her own plate and saw that hers was mixed with everyone else's' favorite foods, they all watched as Kanna was about to take a bite,  wondering if she was going to like it or not, they all wanted her to taste their own food first, but they were too shy to bring it up to her. she lifted the fork to her mouth and ate it.

"Mmm..." Mumbled Kanna, she was enjoying this, the food felt warm as she swallowed it, she finally melted her cold shell. The girl who had put the food on her plate smiled happily.

"Y-yeah, my mother used to make this food for me when I couldn't buy lunch!" The young girl said excitedly.

"Ahh, tell your mother to pack me some, won't you?" Kanna asked the girl's smile grew

"I-I'll call her and ask if she could!" She said excitedly.

"Ahah, you can call me Ae-chan," Kanna insisted. 

"O-Oh! You can call me Tara-Salem!" Tara-Salem invited. They talked and ate their feast but before they could finish the third sentence, the woman stood up on the stage and opened her arms. 

"We are now starting the housing! as you shall know there are seven houses, Archidgreen, Dragonsflame, Beesbreath, Wintersflaw, Futureseyes, Mermaidscales, and Heartstring, though most of you never get into that since there are many students, lots are in that house." The woman named all of the houses, I was wondering about each and every one, "Ugh, time for name calling again..." The woman muttered under her breath. "Nallo Sha" Nallo got up from her seat, which for some reason she was choosing to sit with the sixth-years, she got up, wearing her uniform except with its vest not on, she was wearing a plain white shirt long sleeve and buttoned, with her plaid blue, white and black tie, she walked up to the woman and sat in the seat with one of her legs crossed. The woman looked down at her as if she was looking at a dead frog. She lifted the end of her staff and waved it over Nallo's head. "Hmmm, Ah, Archidgreen..." The woman said aloud lifting her staff upside down, the Archidgreen's clapped, some whistled.

"Ew, shes in Archidgreen? there's no way we are ever talking to her, that's so embarrassing!" one of the girl's that were sitting with Nallo exclaimed loud enough for Nallo to hear. Nallo frowned in sadness but looked happy that people in Archidgreen were clapping for her for being in their house, she sat at her new seat next to people that she didn't know, but was willing to know them, her eye caught the cutest boy in the house, she stood up from her seat, without knowing she was doing it, she then leveled up to walking over there, she quickly fluffed her hair up a bit and walked closer to him.

"H-Hey...." Nallo greeted the boy.

"Uh... Hi?" The boy answered. Nallo looked as if she expected him to say more than just a greeting, her face started turning red.

"W-well, don't you want to say something else other than something as stupid as "U-uh, Hi"?!" Nallo screamed at the guy.

"Kanna Aiesley Nana Naomi Ae-Chan?" The woman called aloud, Kanna got up and walked onto the platform, she stood up and sat down in the chair, her hoodie still over her neko ears. The woman waved the end of the staff of her head, hmmm, Heartstring!" The woman exclaimed loudly as if she already knew that Kanna was going to be in Heartstring, In the middle of the dining house, there was a long dining table decorated with gold and black ribbon, and in the middle, there was a crest of a dragon with its tail curled in, the crest was pure gold, the students sitting  at the table looked quite confused that Kanna out of all people was put in their house, some gave her scowling looks others looked genuinely happy that she was in their house, as Kanna went to sit down some first and third-year boys from other houses watched as she sat down with the rest of her house, she gave one last happy look at Tara-salem, then she fell into a trance of only wanting to eat the food at her table, as she did she totally forgot to listen in on the placements, Kanna looked around and didn't see Tara-Salem at her table, so she had the idea that she wasn't placed in the same house.

(Yes, this is a longer chapter enjoy because I might not always write as much, I am now on the agenda of writing in this book every other day if possible, if it isn't I might write every other two days, I hope you enjoy this book as much as I do, this book is maybe one of the books I am so excited on continuing on. I will not continue The Jackie book until a week or so due to me being lazy)- Author (Amanda)

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