Prologue- The Meeting

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*20 Years Ago*

Elsa stood, frozen in fear, as she was once again, facing Hans, as he sentenced her to death. His voice was harsh, much harsher than it actually was. His eyes were like fire, as he brandished a large axe. She knew this was just a nightmare, but she was unable to move, and it sent tremors of fear through her body.

With a flash, she stood on the frozen bay, clutching her baby sister, Anna's body, which was frozen. But unlike what actually happened, Anna wasn't melting. She sobbed.

With a jolt, Elsa woke from her nightmare. She groaned, looking up to see a redheaded girl sitting on top of her.

"Elsa! Come on!" The redhead whined. "Get up, get up, get up!" She told the sleepy queen.

"Get off, you oaf" Elsa mumbled, pushing her younger sister off of her, quite weakly.

"But you have to get up! The delegates from the kingdom of Grimwauld are coming today! And, you promised you would be going for a ride before we held a luncheon to greet them!" Anna droned on, and on. Why wouldn't she let her sleep?

"Fine fine fine!" Elsa fumed, no longer sleepy from all the talking Anna had done.

She dragged herself out of bed, as Anna pranced out of the room, looking smug. Elsa, on the other hand, walked like a zombie as she stood in front of her wardrobe, which in her opinion, had too many choices for the queen. Choosing a soft pink dress, she left her room, draping a light blue cloak with white trim over her arm as she grabbed her slippers hastily.

Ten minutes later, Elsa stood in the frosty morning air, unaffected, as part of the cold was most likely caused by her. Her dark bay mare stood patiently by her side, a soft nicker escaping her lips, as she demanded more snowflakes. Elsa obliged, watching delightedly as the young horse caught them out of the air with her tongue, entertained.

"Where is Anna?" She asked her mare, looking by her guard, which consisted of a mere two men, as Elsa could Protect herself for the most part, but she obliged, as she knew these men considered it a personal duty, as it had been their fathers' before them, to protect the royal family.

Finally, Anna emerged from the stable doors. She was astride her buckskin horse already. Kristoff stood on the ground next to them. She leaned down to kiss him, then kicked her horse into a trot. "Let's go!" She told Elsa briskly, as she joined Elsa in the middle of the courtyard. Rolling her eyes, Elsa mounted her mare. The guard, who now was six men between the two girls, followed in suit.

"You took long enough." Elsa commented dryly, as she and Anna crossed the bridge of the castle, into town. The noise of the horses' hooves rang out through the village, as it slowly woke up. Preparations for the delegation that had arrived in the middle of the night, had been done yesterday, giving the people a chance to rest.

"I have my reasons" Anna replied mischievously. "Let's go!" She grinned, kicking the buckskin into a canter. Elsa and her mare did the same.

"A little faster," she told her mare, squeezing her legs, so they surpassed Anna. The two girls laughed gleefully, as the guard hurried to follow, but not get too close as Anna had told them that morning.

Soon, they were racing on a well worn trail, as they had done many times before. "Elsa look!" Anna squealed, pointing out the red and gold painted trees. A gust of wind carried leaves through the trees, and the wind whipped, almost mischievously around Elsa, before following a side trail, she didn't use much.

"Follow it!" Anna urged, pulling the buckskin stallion to a stop. He snorted, as Elsa sighed, at her sister, before doing as she said. If she didn't, her sister would give her grief, and an angry Anna was not a good Anna.

Elsa only had to follow it for a few minutes, before she arrived at a meadow, along a creek that fed into the bay. Only seconds after arriving, she noticed she was not alone. A tall stranger stood, holding the reins of a black stallion, facing the river. Though the stranger did not move, the apparently antsy stallion, jerked his head up, looking back at the queen and horse.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you. My sister sent me down here," Elsa said, her voice thick with caution.

"Was she by any chance, a redheaded girl, whose hair was worn in braids?" A husky voice asked. The stranger turned around. His hair was dark, not shaggy, but somewhat well kept. She could not see his eyes from here, but even from her seat on her mare, Elsa could tell he was very handsome. His dark green cloak fell to his feet, dark brown boots stuck out.

"Y-yes, yes she was." Elsa replied, startled, as she took in his knowledge of her sister, and his good looks all at once.

He chuckled. "She found me out riding this morning, it was still dark. Your sister told me if I wanted to meet a fair lady, this was the place to be. She was right, I see." As he said this all, he walked over to her mare, offering a hand, helping Elsa down. She stared up into his eyes. They were a deep green, matching his cloak. "And may I ask the name of this fair lady?" He asked, with a smile on his face.

"It's Elsa." She replied nervously, as his hand still enveloped hers. "And may I ask yours?" she asked politely.

"Thor," he smiled, bending over to kiss her pale knuckles. Letting go of her, he stepped back respectfully. "May I start a fire to warm you up, my lady?" Thor asked, and she nodded. He led her to a pile of wood, and two stumps. Letting her sit on the smooth stump, he sat on the other, a respectful distance from hers. Sweeping his cloak back, he reached into a leather ouch on his hip, pulling out something small in his large hands, and started a fire, lighting the tinder first.

Sitting and chatting for a while, sometimes just enjoying each other's company in silence, Elsa and Thor sat together for most of the morning. Neither mentioned what they did, or who they were. As it neared ten, Elsa judging it from the sun's height, Thor stood up, excusing himself.

"Unfortunately, my lady, I have work today. I hope to enjoy your company again sometime soon." He told her, as he walked her to her mare, who munched on the grass next to his horse. Helping her onto her horse, Thor kissed Elsa's hand sweetly, before sending her off.

"Good bye" Elsa called, as she trotted away.

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