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"Anna, one day I'm going to strangle you," Elsa told her younger sister dryly, as she poured herself a cup of herbal tea. She sat down in the chair facing the tea table located next to the window of the study adjourned to her bedroom.

"No, you love me too much," Her sister replied, as she sat across from Elsa, pouring herself a cup of tea as well. "But you have to admit, he's cute, isn't he?" Anna gushed, flipping her hair back

"Super," Elsa sighed, partly truthfully, and partly to keep Anna from making a series of loud, uncalled for noises, that Elsa knew would happen if she dared to disagree with her little sister.

"I can't wait to set you guys up, so you can dance together all night long," Anna said in a faux romantic voice, getting up, and grabbing Elsa's hands in hers. She dragged the queen to her feet, and began dragging the blonde as she danced across the room.

"Anna stop, I have a headache, remember?" Elsa chided her younger sister, pulling free of her grip. She walked slowly back to her seat, and sat down gracefully, before sipping on her tea. Setting the glass down, she rubbed her temples, as she concentrated on blocking out Anna's moment by moment detailed plan to get her and Thor to dance, eat, and breathe together, or whatever it was. Elsa just wanted her and her feelings to survive the night.

"Anna, dear, go annoy Kristoff, please, I'm trying to work through some stuff," Elsa motioned to the door.

Anna threw her a hurt glance. "Way to make me feel loved, Elsa," she pouted, storming out.

Elsa sighed. She'd apologize later. She worked her way through a few more cups of tea, before relaxing onto a convient window seat in the room. She made a very royal decision to stay here until someone came and made her get dressed for the ball.

Then came a soft knock at the door. "Come in!" Elsa yelled, half sitting up. A tall  man stepped in, with green eyes and dark hair. Unlike this morning, it was somewhat combed back.

"Thor!" Elsa exclaimed excitedly, sitting up, letting her happiness get the better of her, for a moment. She bit her tongue, "Sorry, Prince Thor," she sighed, looking in her lap, embarassed. 

"My lady" Thor's eyes twinkled as he looked upon her with those gorgeous green eyes. "Please, I insist you continue calling me just Thor, well, at least in private. And if you do not mind, I will continue calling you Elsa."

"Well, Thor, please, come sit with me," Elsa breathed a sigh of relief. It was easier talking to him without formalities,  unlike the awkward lunch she suffered through. He smiled at her, and came and sat at her feet, turning his torso sideways to face her. She played with a small lock of hair that had escaped her braid as his gaze fixed upon her.

"Elsa..." He began, and from what Elsa could tell, he actually sounded nervous. "I hope you don't think I was merely there this morning to get close to you, because of your status, like..." He paused, and Elsa knew he was thinking of the situation with Hans, like she had as she drank her tea. "Honestly, I had no idea who you were when your sister told me to wait there for someone. But, I am glad I did."

Elsa blushed, not meeting his eyes, as he gave her a fond look. He continued talking, his soft voice almost alluring to her. "To be honest Elsa, there's something about you I can't pin, but I can tell you one thing. I really enjoyed talking to you this morning, a lot. We both know that I'll be staying here with my men, and of course, Stein, but that's not all. With your, permission of course, I'd like to court you my lady, Elsa."

The blonde froze in her seat as she processed Thor's words. Court her? It was simple, of course, and made sense, but for whatever reason that hadn't run through her head. He gave her a small, encouraging smile, and she realized this was the part she was supposed to answer to.

"Well, of course I will," her voice was shakey as she replied. He let out a small sigh of relief, and she almost laughed. That wasn't so hard, now was it?

"We should celebrate with a dance," He gave her a mischevious look, as he stood up, offering her his hand.

Elsa gave him a coy smile as she accepted his hand. She stood up, and he pulled her to him softly. She couldn't help but think even though they had known eachother for a day, she cou;d get used to this really fast. He started humming, as he placed his hand softly on the small of her back, swaying with her softly.

She let out a small yawn, "Sorry, I'm a little tired, I hade some tea, and I normally don't get up that early"

Thor chuckled softly, "That's quite alright, my lady, though I am a bit disappointed you are not a morning person, since I was going to offer to ride with you tomorrow morning."

Elsa looked up at him, and he smiled down at her softly. "Well, for you, I guess I would get up early and ride," She gave a faux defeated sigh

"You know, I think I'm going to get used to this, us, really fast" He grinned, and she couldn't help but to grin back.

Well, what do you guys think? I started a cute little fic with a lot of flirting and teasing in it, which I think is reflecting back on this, so hopefully it isn't too bad! Love ya! I promise I will write more soon, but I have lots of homework and its already 8:40!! Toodles!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2014 ⏰

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