The Banquet

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When she arrived back in the castle, a team of maids dragged her to her chambers, for the luncheon that was in only a few hours' time. Elsa was fitted into a hunter green dress, flowers woven into her braid. They had been a gift from the delegates of Grimwauld. As she turned in her mirror, Elsa decided she looked amazing, secretly wishing Thor was here to see her now. But now, she was off to greet the delegation of Grimwauld.

At one'o clock exactly, Elsa stood at the head of the banquet hall, a long table set for a meal. She estimated there would be at least two hundred people here today. Although, some would come for dinner, the lunch was mainly for greeting the new delegates from Grimwauld. People from Arendelle, important representatives of her kingdom, some representatives of trade partners closely joined with Arendalle, all their wives, and of course, Anna and her fiancé Kristoff stood, in a long line, greeting the delegates of Grinwauld as they filed in.

Elsa payed little attention, a smile stayed on her face, but her mind was elsewhere. She needed to get Anna alone and ask about this morning. Most importantly, who was Thor?

As everyone stood at their assigned seats, Elsa's flicked over everyone, and raised her voice. "Welcome, people of Arendelle, our close friends, and of course, our most honored guests, the delegates of Grimwauld. We hope you have an enjoyable stay, and you would be so kind as to bless us with your companionship for many years. But now, let us enjoy the luncheon prepared just for you!" She sat, and everyone followed in suit. Servants soon had the table laden with food, and the banquet hall filled with the smells of good food, and chatter. To her left, sat her right hand man, Harold. He had managed the kingdom for years before she was coordinated, and now, the old family friend was eager to show his queen off. Elsa considered him an uncle, as he guided we through her duties, with a steady hand, never influencing her decisions. On her left sat a somewhat older man, who had a long black beard, peppered with grey.

"Sir Stein, may I introduce you to Queen Elsa of Arendelle?" Harold introduced her to the man, and she smiled graciously.

"Delighted to meet you, my lady." The man spoke, his voice somewhat familiar. "Sir Stein, loyal servant to the kingdom of Grimwauld. First, I'd like to thank you for our accommodations. I have not been here in many years. I was young when we last came. But when your parents died, I'm afraid we lost contact. I'd like to apologize, on the behalf of my people, for the loss if your parents." Sir Stein sighed, sending a pang of sadness through Elsa.

"Thank you, it is a pleasure to meet you" Elsa smiled, nodding politely at him. She looked past him, stunned as her eyes met a pair of familiar green ones.

Thor smiled at her, and Elsa returned it with a twisted smile of her own. What was the stranger from the woods doing in her hall?

Stein looked over at Thor casually. "Forgive me, my lady, I have forgotten to introduce my companion. This is my ward for the duration of our visit, his royal highness, Prince Thor, first son of Cristian Bremseth, King of Grimwauld. "

"It is a pleasure meeting you, your highness." Prince Thor told the confused queen.

Elsa swallowed her feelings, putting on a not so confused face. "A pleasure meeting you as well." She returned.

An hour later, With the food swept away, Elsa stood again, suddenly feeling self conscious, with Thor looking up at her. She had made small talk with him and Stein, but she had been very awkward, and nervous.

"Well, ladies and gentleman. I hope everyone had a lovely meal, and I will see you all again, this evening, at 8, for a ball." She curtsied, as everyone clapped polietely, knowing she was minutes away from a nice cup of tea to counteract the splitting headache she had gotten over lunch.

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