Letter #2

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sorry its been a while but I have been going to 5462742 different camps and been soooo busy and spending time with my family and suchhh.

I love you all and hope you likee thiss chapter!


Dear Liam,

I cried last night. Hard. I miss you so much. I hope you don't miss me though, just focus on your singing. Watching you on the X-Factor is so amazing, although I don't see you on it much. There are a lot of people, but you are better than all of them. I know it. I'm still not used to not having you around. I break out crying at the most random times. I'm trying to cope, don't worry about me. I just wish you would call me, I know you've been busy, but, it would make me feel a lot better.

Talk to you soon, I love you. Have fun.

Love, Natalie


A tear in my eye, I slammed the mailbox door shut and raised the flag. I tugged open the door again and check for any other letters, none besides mine. I sighed and shut the mailbox once again.

"His letter must be caught in the post system," I said to myself as I walked back into the house, out of the drizzling rain.

I caught the phone ringing for the final time as I stepped in the house and picked it up to answer it.



His voice over the phone made my eyes well up almost immediately.

"Hi Liam."

The noise in the background was so loud, I could barely hear his voice, that sweet sweet voice.

"Hi Nat! I miss you!"

"I miss you too! So much!"

A smile krept across my face as I realized I was talking to my Liam, that he really did miss me.

"How's things?"

"Same old, same old, I've been watching a lot of the X-Factor lately, there is some really goofy kid named Liam on it.."

"Oh ha ha." he replied sarcastically.

The smile left my face and I became more serious.

"I really miss you, babe."

The loud noise in the background covered up his response.

"Liam?" I asked.

"Nat, I got to go, talk to you later! I love you!"


The line went dead.

"love you too." I finished.

I set the phone down on the counter then proceeded to my room.

My cellular rang after a few minutes in the quiet.


I clicked the button on the phone and put it to my ear.


"HIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!" she screamed into the phone.

"Hi Aud." I said, a genuine smile creeping across my face.

"You sound happy today!" she shrieked.

"Yeah, I just talked to Liam," I said, not being able to keep the smile away now.

"YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!" I could tell she was jumping up and down.

"It didn't last though, he had to go." the smile slipped away from my face.

"Awe, are you still in your little rut thing?"

"Yeah, I think."

"You are coming to a party with me. Tomorrow. I'm picking you up at seven. No questions. Be ready."

The line clicked and the dial tone rang over the phone.

I guess I'm going to a party.

I am so ready to be out of this funk. 

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