Chapter 2

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Derp. Zero is so hot, he makes geeks feel awesome about themselves... Aw Mai Gawd...... ♥

Anyways, here's my new chappy with a bang:) *smiles*

Chapter 2:

"Class, the quiz is over. Please wait as I collect them one by one..." Mr Wickflic scrambled off the chair, almost toppling, and hurried to collect our papers.

His short and plump figure made me wonder if he was just Professor Flitwick in disguise. Notice that his name is a anagram... wait, it takes a geek to notice, doesn't it?

"Agh..." Xaiver was definitely moaning. I could imagine Xaiver's face of anguish and emotional turmoil. Ha. Tough luck, dolt.

The class filed out. It was free period for me. "See you later in Chemistry," Alex called as he went into the Health Education class.

I walked myself to the library. I was thinking about the delightful 1000 page chemistry book I was intending to finish today when a huge boulder blocked me. And to think that boulder actually swung out its hand. And it could talk.

"Oh look. The nerd wants to enter his little cub...uh...cubby...uh... whatever!" Xaiver the boulder snickered.

Oh wow. He almost said cubbyhole. Which I bet any 5 year old will be proud to achieve.

Still. I was at least 3 times smaller than him. Though he probably wouldn't understand my sarcasm. Until 50 years later.

He only needed to flick, and I was already sprawled on the ground. Then I heard the lapdogs laughing. Sigh. Why couldn't they go somewhere else?

I picked myself up and scurried into the library. Xaiver and his blockheads probably couldn't match my speed, cause I was inside, safe.

I picked up the book and was about to read, and then the weirdest thing happened.

A lock of golden hair swung and behind it were the most beautiful lapis blue eyes I've ever seen. Her porcelain skin. Her hour-glass figure. No word within my 16 year vocabulary could describe how beautiful she was.

And I had won the Spelling Bee then.

"Hi..." my voice faltered as she looked at me. Blue met brown and she gave a small smile.

"Hi, I'm Vanessa. What's your name?" she sounded like an angel.

"I'm... I... Ian..." I managed.

"Oh. I'm just mugging slightly for Chem. See you later then, Xaiver's waiting." she said before with a swish of her gorgeous hair, she left.

My gosh. How could I not notice her? Like I didn't know her name.

I've been crushing on her since I saw her in 6th grade. I woke up occasionally kissing my pillow thinking of her.

Oh course. Such beauty could never be mine. It always went to the 'popular' bastards. Namely Xaiver. I let out a small sigh.

She would probably win prom queen with Xaiver as her prom king.

But she was definitely different from the other bitches in this school. She actually said hi to me.

Or was it just a prank, with someone jumping out, yelling, "Gotcha geek!"

I'll never know. Wait. Did she say she had Chemistrytoday?

Great. I have one class with her. With my ultimate crush.

Like she'd notice me.

Then, the bell rang.

I scurried out of the library. Chemistry was waiting.


"Class, I'll be deciding your new Chemistry partners by drawing lots..." Ms Yeow, the Biology teacher announced as she took out the box filled with many slips of paper. Obviously on the paper were our names.

Ms Yeow was like a pig in a brown wig. Oh wait. That was an offence to pigs. But you knew what I mean.

Me and Alex exchanged glances. There were 40 students in this class. Which meant there was a 0.12% chance we could get paired up.

Just great.

"Alex Smith." My heart fell as Ms Yeow said the other name. "Xaiver Harris."

I think Alex may have just regurgitated all his insides. Xaiver? Alex looked as though he were about to enter hell.

Though Xaiver wasn't any better.

"Nicole Stewart. Thomas Bell."

Names went on. Until mine was suddenly called.

"Ian Christen." I think my heart suddenly jumped out when she said the next name. "Vanessa Thomson."

My god!

I'm paired up with the beautiful angel of my dreams?

Someone pinch me. Ouch.

I didn't mean that, actually.

Stupid Alex. He knew about my small crush.

"Whoooo. Someone's a lucky geek..." he murmured as the names went on.

Perhaps Biology was going to be 120% perfect. Unfortunately, that's an improper fraction.


Chappy 2 is complete:)

Coming up, Chapter 3!


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