Chapter 4

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Heylo thanx for all da support The Princess and The Geek has:) 300reads was rather unexpected lol. TYSMxD

Chapter 4:

Vanessa POV:

Chemistry was probably one of the many subjects I would love to destroy when I graduated from this crappy high school into a fashion or modelling school. but until then, i had to survive.

Thankfully, I didn't have to pair up with the asshole I called a boyfriend. I mean, if he wasn't the school quarterback I wouldn't even have bothered with him.

I just needed to get up the social ladder. And to do that took alot of sacrifices. Including dating brainless bastards like him.

Imagine my luck when I was paired up with Ian. I hadn't been expecting that, that was certain. But somehow I felt glad. And it probably wasn't just because he would help with my GPA. Alot.

I felt like, perhaps behind that geeky self, was a really cute guy. But a relationship...

Wasn't it impossible?

"Hey chem partner!" I greeted cheerfully as he lifted his cute blue glasses. "Hi," he stuttered. What did I tell you? Cute.

"So this is what I think we can do... But you can suggest something else if you don't like the idea... I mean, it's okay if you got nothing..." he started as I gave a short chuckle. He was really funny. Pity he was way below me on the social pyramid....

But wait. An idea just popped up my head. "Hey Ian... Let's skip this chem crap and head off to my house for a bit, kay?"

My second chuckle in one day. When I saw his face.

Ian POV:

She actually asked me to her house. Wow.

Much as I'd love to interrupt by asking about our chemistry project and how we could present the chemical bonding in different types of substances.

She cut to the chase rather easily. She would somehow use me, the pathetic geek I was to break up with Xaiver, who she apparently hated, and for that I was rather glad. Weird right?

"And you actually like me?" I asked as she nodded slightly. I was suprised. The girl I was head over heels for. Actually liked me.

"Yah, and this makeover may hurt a bit for you, but if you agree, I can make you popular and maybe we can hang out more often, eh?"

Doubtless to say, I agreed.

Vanessa POV:

Sorry I have to be using you... I thought as I looked behind those glasses and into those honey brown eyes. He really liked me.

And I was that heartless.


And here I am again, loves!

Ichiru has returned!!! So, missed me? Lol.

Vanessa will be using Ian to get rid of Xaiver. Haiz, what next?

Enjoy!!! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2012 ⏰

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