A Strange New Visitor

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Ruri De La Hoya is known as the second strongest blader in the world beside her brother. Ruri was very popular, even though she acted all cool and like she didn't care about much, truthfully she was scared of not being like her brother, letting him down and not being good enough for him. So she was training all the time, like right now.

"Let it rip!" Her bey flew into the stadium and landed near the wall, seeming like it would fall over but instead it hit the wall and sprung off of it with ease, and wobbling a bit from the impact. Ruri was dripped sweat, and a pool was starting to form underneath her, and not to mention her legs were weak and arms shaking. "Go Death Rascal! Ending Charge!" Ruri had been practicing that powerful move to a few days now and had almost mastered it. A soft click sounded and Death Rascal started to dive into the center. Her bey went so fast, it was hard to follow its movements. She held her hand up for the bey to jump into it after a few circles into the center and her bey jumped into her hands with quick speed and she snapped her wrist down. Ruri got her launcher ready again and locked her bey into it.

"Number one hundredth launch." She muttered, sweat dripping into her black emotionless eyes. Ruri rubbed it away, her short yellow hair plastered onto her face like a crushed candy on the floor. The bey shone for a moment as if to tell her this was her best, and last launch, she must do better than she had been doing before. Ruri turned to face behind her and moved her body with it. She counted down, "Three, two, one, let it rip!" As Ruri counted down to the final word she started to do a backward flip and launched powerfully in mid air. Her bey hit the floor at the same time as her as she finished the flip and landed on one knee. Ruri got up to stand and called, "Ending Charge, once more!" Her bey did as was told, the black and blue aura flaring up around the both of them. Then she grabbed her bey as it spun to a stop in a few minutes and placed her launcher away and tucked her bey in her side leg pocket.

Ruri almost fell back, her vision was messy and dotted black, but she stood up again, pressing on her knee for support. She shivered as she felt eyes on her and snapped her head around. "Who's there?" She called into the woods, it was dark out now, for some reason she just realized that. She saw sharp brown eyes with small shimmers of silver flaring around that pair of eyes. Ruri jumped up slightly and starting to get down from the platform, "Kris is going to be pretty mad I'm late." Ruri raced back towards BC Sol, the gaze forgotten as her arms reached for the tree branches and pulled her up as she grabbed hold of them. She was a monkey some would say, the reason for that was she was actually faster up in the trees, lunging from branch to branch.

Ruri swung forward so fast she was a blur of black, seeming like a shadow, then she landed at the edge of the forest after some more quick swinging. Panting she fell backwards, hearing the cries of her friends in the background, but they sounded so far away, and quiet...

BC Sol; Morning

Ruri's eyes fluttered slowly at first before snapping open. She saw a familiar lazy face with lifeless black eyes and yellow hair with a red stripe down the front near hers. "Um, Free?" Ruri stammered in a soft confusion and sat up. Free nodded and explained, "You worked too hard. Blacked out on the outskirts of the woods." Ruri nodded at the sudden memory and threw her blanket off slowly in a laze.

Suddenly Free tilted his head as Kris, Sasha, Valt, Honcho, Cuza, Honey and Kitt all came into the room in a tumble, concerned looks on their faces. Ruri looked at them all drowsily and yawned. Free followed suit and stretched in a slightly bored manner. Kris grabbed Ruri's hand, "Are you okay?! We were all so worried!" Ruri nodded as they mostly ignored the lazy boy beside her. Valt tightly hugged her chest, "I'm so glad you're okay Ruri!" Honcho and Cuza followed the action till everyone was hugging her and she stumbled back a bit. Free patted Ruri's head in affection for a moment and then left the room. Ruri sighed and said, "Guys I can't... Breathe." They all fell back as Ruri softly gasped for air, muscles now soar at the reminder of how much training she did that night. "Dude how long did you train?" Honcho asked in wonder and worry, his lollipop rolling in his mouth. Ruri opened her mouth to answer but was interrupted with, "And where did you train?" Said by her closest friend at BC Sol, Cuza Ackerman. Ruri suddenly answered, "I trained in a secret place where Free had trained and still does train." Cuza pouted a bit at her undescribed answer but they smiled to each other afterwards. Honcho frowned and whined, "I asked her a question first!" "Ya but I'm the closer friend!" Cuza countered. Ruri smiled slightly and patted each of their heads, reaching up high to get to the top of Honcho's tall figure. "Its okay guys, don't fight. I think I trained for around three hours or so Honcho." Her voice was weak so it was filled with no emotion at all, making it hard to tell if she was just joking or not.

Silas came in before much more could happen, he looked like he was worried, but mostly upset, not being the male he usually was. Ruri suddenly looked worried too and felt weak in the legs by the shaking, terrified usual brave and sassy Silas acting so strange. Everyone looked at Silas in fear but Kris spoke up first, "What is wrong Silas? You don't look all that well." Silas shook his head, "I'm horrible, so bad, terrible." He panted and Honey and Kitt helped him to sit on Ruri's bed. Ruri looked just genuinely worried.

"Some stranger came, he.. He was too strong. He destroyed my bey in a battle and proposed to battle Free."

Everyone went silent at the sudden and powerful statement.

Ruri got up, "Not on my watch." She dashed out, Valt, Kris, Honcho and Cuza all close behind, seemed like everyone else stayed behind till Kitt raced out and called, "Guys wait up!" Though they never slowed one bit. Ruri raced down the hallway and outside, then went into the training building.

Free had his head tilted and a strange person with bey pieces scattered on his body on a dark red attire, that was a short sleeved vest. The new person also had a black shirt on underneath the vest. His clothes also included two bey symbols on his outer legs with a black main color and black hair that seemed to be flat, though in the front he had wavy and curled hair on his shoulders and down his face. He also has two white and red bracelets made from a thick weak plastic and leather on each arm and had chocolate brown eyes brown eyes.

Free spotted Ruri and the others but pretended not to. Ruri frowned and softly walked over to the strange new person, "Hello, are we battling?" The person ordered in impatience. Free just kept his head tilted as Ruri grabbed the person from behind by the back of his collar and tossed him to the ground, him being surprisingly light.

"You're the one who should he waiting on someone" Ruri growled, features filling with her rare emotion as she watches him scramble up in a wince of pain.

"I'm Ruri De La Hoya, and happen to be the second ranked blader in the world. This here," Ruri tugs Rascal from her side pocket. "Is my bey, Death Rascal, and we're here to bring you to you're awaiting death."

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