From Bad to Worse

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"The winner is Winding Battle Bird with a burst finish! Trad Vasquez is the winner with 2-0, beating Ruri De La Hoya." The few people around the ring looked at each other in disbelief as they tried to mouth words but nothing came out. The shadow figure, still leaning on the wall at the doorway chuckled and called, "Now, Trad, let's go." Trad eyes Ruri in proud and grabbed his beyblade. He started to walk away, the pedson leaning off the wall, a flash of short white hair appering from the light she hit as she ran out. Trade followed, looking back and muttering, "As expected. You really are nothing as everyone says you are." The he was gone. The rest of BC Sol came into the room and looked at Ruri in confusion and disbelief.

Her face was always so calm and emotionless, now her face was filled with shock, worry, wonder, disbelief and so much more emotions than they could all list together. Ruri looked at her burst bey and shakily picked it up. Free trotted over to her, everyone frozen in place. Free looked at Ruri's eyes, "Ruri, losing is no fun, now is it?" Ruri's eyes were glassy as she pulled away from him and dashed out the door, tears flying from her eyes and dancing down like rain in a forest, her hair floating a bit as she raced out the door. She ran, and ran, and ran, till her legs hurt and her vision was blurry, she was at the opposite end of the woods before she knew it, in a field of wildflowers, her very own little special spot. Ruri shakily sat down and placed her head in her knees for a moment, letting her tears fall. She looked at her hands, panting and clothes tattered and filthy. After a little bit she looked up and saw the diamond littered sky, and the full moon as well. The calls of the animals soothed her a bit, and her face calmed. Ruri pulled out Death Rascal and ran her finger tip along its edge, the clear spin track glittering from the moonlight. When she calmed down, a single tear ran down her cheek and she looked up to the sky, spotting a single shooting star flash across the black night sky. Please let everyone be okay, when I leave, and that Free doesn't lose hope in his dreams. Please Free, don't give up on yourself, "Or me." She whispered in addition to her thoughts, holding her bey close to her chest as she closed her eyes and enjoyed the cooling night air and nature around her.

"Free I don't think that was the right thing to say at that time." Sasha scolds, pointing a finger at him with her other hand on her hip. He stayed silent, eyes still soft with no emotion at all. Kris had recovered from her past tear up and was in the room as well. Everyone was there after Ruri raced out, Free, Sasha, Silas, Valt, Honcho, Kris, Kitt, Honey, Ange and Cuza were all there. Cuza asked with a little bounce in his step, "Where's Ruri? What happened?" Free bluntly pronounced,

"She lost."

Honey looked up at Sasha in confusion as she explained, "From what I know from little Free over here, Trad had come back and challenged him to a match. Ruri stepped in and showed him the door, but some strange blader came and they ended up battling. The fought and Trad won 2-0, close match though, but anyways..." Honcho's yellow hair bounced, "She ran off is what happened! She left 'cause little Free boy here was so blunt and didn't acknowledge her feelings!" Sasha looked peeved, like, really peeved. Valt placed a hand on Sasha's shoulder to tell her to lay off a bit and she breathed in and out, slowly. Kris went over to Free and they started to speak in hushed whispers as Valt looked concealed and afraid. "Cuza what do you think happened?" Silas asked, nodding at the door. Cuza whistled and a bird called out back to him, white feathers fluttering down around him. Cuza raced out of the building with Karl calling, "SWAK! What happened? SWAK!" Cuza knew where she would be, she HAD to be there, otherwise... No he couldn't think that way, she would never...

Leave, right?

Cuza raced out the door, hearing his bird swaking nonsense after him. "SWAK SWAK want happened!" Karl repeated as he flew swiftly after the racing Cuza. Cuza mentally face palmed at his bird as he reached the forest, jumping over a rock in his way and landing in a crouch. Not wanting to waste time he straighted and looked back at Karl, "We'll find 'er Karl! I know we will!" "We'll find her, SWAK! Well find her!" Karl copied. Cuza almost tripped, jeez his bird was loud. He went on and saw an opening in the forest, spotting a tight black necklace laying in the middle of the flower field. Karl looked at him then dove at it, Cuza following. Karl grabbed the necklace in his large beak and dropped it in Cuza's hands as he cupped them. Cuza looked at it, his head tilted in slight sadness. She wasn't there, all there was, was a white handwritten note,

Please understand why I am doing this. I feel that you will be hurt the most when I, leave.
Yes Cuza, I, am leaving. It was so hard to decide this but its best for me, and you.
I left this old necklace in memory of me, and make sure to keep training, when we meet in the ring again, I will not go easy on you.
Tell Free I will miss him, and take care of him for me.
-Ruri, your friend

Cuza felt his small cheek, it was wet, Karl was on his stretched out arm, leaning towards the note. "Ruri... You don't understand... We're never going to be the same..." He sobbed, falling slowly to his knees, the necklace in one hand and note drifting in the breeze, his feet sore from running, for something he might never see again.

Ruri watched Cuza a moment longer, pulling her black mask on, slipping her oversized hoodie on and staring at her beyblade, "Goodbye, Cuza." She turned and ran, from her home, her memories and all her friends.

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