Green Light To Red Light

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Ruri looked at the intimated male as he stood up and called in her face, "What was that for!" Ruri's eye twitched and she poked him harshly in the chest where his heart is with her free hand, "What are YOU doing here?" She started and as he opens his mouth to continue his rant but stopped as she went on, "Why are YOU bugging my friends? Where are YOU from? You know what never mind those questions! The only thing I care about is this battle!" The male looked startled at the famous calm and emotionless girl acting this way. Free straightened his head and smiled, his sister had this in the bag.

"Trad, back off, now."

Kris covered her mouth with a hand to muffle her loud gasp, eyes crystal-like with tears. Valt and Honcho stared at the male who had been called Trad as he glanced at the doorway of the training building. "T-Trad?" Kitt spoke up as he slowed his jog to them a bit, his grin faded as he saw everyone. Ruri and Free glanced at each other and Ruri placed her bey away in her leg pocket, Frees eyes flickering with a soft anger. "Trad? Did I hear that right?" Honcho sputtered as Trad walked over to the shadowed person at the doorway. He was short, spiky hair by the looks of it, and strange pink eyes that seemed to flare with a strong pink and silver aura.

Trad turned to look at Kris and she had a fit of tears, her hands covering her face as she slid downward, had Free not been there she would have fallen, harshly. Ruri's eyes flashed with pure anger at Kris's state, she was their LEADER for gods sake, and was crying over this Trad guy? Ruri's nostrils worked hard as her mouth opened, "Look you douchebag I don't know who you are but you can't walk in here and expect no one to stop you from making someone so close to them just brake down like this." She jerks her chin at Kris as she spoke as Free helps her up and Cuza and Honcho ask her questions like if she's okay. Free backed away from them a bit as they muttered to each other. Ruri growled under her breath, "I'd rather die then let you get away with this." Her voice was laced with anger and it sounded like she was spitting out hard rocks, she was angered as heck.

The shadowed person at the doorway held up two fingers in a 'wait' motion and Trad stopped before he could move on. They both stared before the shadowy person nodded at Trad. "Trad don't tell me your a coward! You battling or not?" She said in a Free-related battle voice. Trad scoffs and walks out of the darkness, holding a red and black bey with white accents and small wind symbols imprinted on the edges. "This is my new bey, Winding Battle Bird." He flicked his wrist to show her it better, half his face engulfed in the darkness like his soul was, half in the dark and half in the light, but not truthfully on either side.

Ruri had a smile tug on the edge of her face as Kris was brought away by Honcho and Cuza with some support by Free to the doorway, leaving only Kitt, Valt, Free since he let Kris go at the doorway, Ruri, Trad and that strange shadowy figure in the room. Ruri pulled her bey out and her black launcher followed, she stepped in front of the stadium and flexed her fingers on the handle as Trad walked up to the stadium, she had to say, he was decently tall, not too tall, but around her size tall.

No way was she scared. Kitt walked up to the plate and put his hand over the ring once he caught his breath, "Alright stadium outs and survivor finishes are worth one point each, burst finishes are worth two, first to get a point wins, ready," Ruri turned around fully and Kitt paused, she barley used this stance but he saw it a few times before. "Set," Trad looked confused, she was new to him, and she barley had any records of using this stance in an official, real important battle. Ruri smirked and Free leaned into the wall near the doorway and sat down, yawning. "Three." Ruri pressed her body weight down and got ready. "Two." Kitt went on with counting and Ruri jumped up, twisting her body back into a backflip and pointing the launcher at the ring. "One." She was at ready position and stance, Trad getting ready to pull the cord. "Let it rip!" Everyone called in unison and Ruri launched her bey.

She landed once again in complete unison with Rascal like she had at training. Ruri was on own knee and got up, Trad had launched as well, powerfully too and when Ruri paid attention... "A left spinning bey." She says carefully and lifts her hand up towards the roof slightly and lazily. Trad had closed his eyes and then opened them. "Winding Battle Bird, go, Spiral Storm!" A weak red aura flared up a bit and a high pitch wail-like sound started to erupt from the bey, two red and white metal pieces hitting each other and causing the loud sound from the frame of the bey. Ruri noticed right away and barley flinched at the sound while Kitt covered his ears and flinched backwards in pain, Valt hopped around calling, "Ow my ears, that hurts, ow!" Free's closed eyes twitched was all. "Death Rascal!" Her aura flared up, the black and blue aura glowing brightly. "Crashing Blow!" Her best move besides her new secret move 'Ending Charge' was a powerful but slow sinking powerhouse move, thankfully Trad's Battle Bird had to stop in the center to use the Spiral Storm so she was good.

A smirk played his lips as her bey hit his bey nonstop, going up and striking back down at high speeds basically being a leveled up Rush Launch. Metal sounds echoed off the ring. The loud metal wail sound started to falter and everyone stopped hopping and covering their ears, gasping in shock and wonder.

Trad's bey hadn't even slowed since the start.

Ruri looked a bit surprised and Trad called, "For a second ranked blader in the world, you're weak, just like your brother." Ruri yawned, "Ya, not as weak as you, Death Rascal, now, Ending Charge!!!" Her last words were loud and she finally dropped her raised hand, her aura flaring like crazy, "Winding Battle Bird, counter with Spiral Cut!" His bey started to move away and as Rascal went up the ring and then down for a quick blow like the speed of light, his bey dodged miraculously. The metal sound clicked again and she saw the small metal spikes poke out a bit from the top of her bey, it wouldn't scratch the bey since it was rounded edges but it would push her opponent away. Everyone gawked at the power and speed of the two beys.

"Rascal let's go!!" Ruri threw her fist forward and Rascals monster picture appeared above her bey as well as Trad's after it circled around her for a bit. Death Rascal was a faded edged woman with a black cloak covering her face and as she lifted her face she wore a large smirk and had large red eyes as well as some nasty cuts and scars, Trad shivered under her gaze but Ruri too seemed a little frightened by the wolf with black and brown fur and white spots, emerald green eyes, like literal emerald eyes shining at her.

Rascal dove after Battle Bird as it raced towards the wall to escape her blow, but she was too fast and they hit into each other. A large beam of light exploded up from them and blue-blackish with red-blackish bolts jumped around them, "Ahhhhh!" Ruri called with her full emotions, thrusting her other fist forward as Trad called, "Grrrrrrr!" And spread his arm out to his sides. A burst sounded from inside the now erupting smoke.

Valt called, "Who won?" And Kitt looked closely into the smoke, Ruri and Trad watching with slight worry as even Free got up from the wall to get a better look at who won after opening his eyes. "The winner is..."

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