18: Outdoors

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Summery: Louis and Harry go camping and fuck against a tree plus everyone is obsessed with orgies

Word count: 4128 (holy shit)

"I'm fucking ready!" Niall yelled as he climbed into a truck Liam borrowed from his friend. Louis rolled his eyes, glancing at the camper that was attached to the hitch and climbing up front. "Hey!" Zayn whined, letting Harry get in the middle so he could at least have the window seat. Louis cackled, tossing his head back only for it to get smacked by Zayn. "Bitch." Louis said with a grin. "Cunt." Zayn replied with a grumble. "Language. Only Niall is allowed to use that word because he's a pussy." Louis said. This time it was Niall smacking him. "Shut the fuck up, Tommo. If anyone is a pussy, it's you." Harry and Liam rolled there eyes in sync. "Shut up, all of you or you'll all have to sit together in the back." Liam snapped, unsatisfied sighs and groans going around the truck. "Enough! Out, out, Louis, Zayn. Get out!" Harry exclaimed as he threw his hands up.

Everyone was settled-kind of-and Harry was bopping to some shitty indie music with his phone plugged into the aux cord so everyone had to listen to it. "Harry, change the goddamn band!" Louis yelled. "What's wrong with Holes In The Wall?" Harry asked with a smile. "Everything! Everything is fucking wrong with Holes In The Wall!" Louis argued. "Bet you two make holes in your bed frame." Niall spoke with a cackle. "We don't, Niall. That's disgusting." Louis snapped. Harry just rolled his eyes while Liam looked at him suspiciously. Harry looked over at him. "What?" He asked. "Nothing, nothing." Liam said quietly. Harry just nodded, changing it to Louis' favourite rap artist. "Fuck yeah, thank God for Hazza." Louis hollered as he sang along. "Who is this?" Liam spoke up. Harry didn't even have to look at his phone to recall the name in his downloaded music. "HeyitsLuka, all one word." Harry replied. Liam nodded in acknowledgment. Zayn blinked at Louis, then at Harry and rolled his eyes. "You aren't in love my ass." He muttered, quiet enough for only Niall's sneaky ass to hear. "I know! Like, who the fuck acts like this. Couples, duh!" Niall said back. Harry blinked. Couple? No. Just friends. Tears. Harry always ended up in tears because of Louis. "That's disgusting." Harry said, resisting the urge to mock Louis' voice. Louis actually stopped rapping long enough for Harry to see his puzzled look. Now Louis was sad because of Harry. Good job, dipshit, Harry thought to himself as he looked out the window at the trees. "We're here." Liam said quietly, feeling the tension heavy air around them. "Thank fuck." Niall rolled his eyes as everyone got out of the car.

Liam made the tents, built the fire, and got everyone in their shared tents. Except Niall, he'd got a covered hammock, the smart bastard. "Zayn, you're with me, of course. Which means Harry is with Louis. Nothing new there either so everyone get your shit ready because we're going swimming pretty soon." "Fuck." Harry swore under his breath as he walked to the trucks covered bed and opened it. This trip was going to be hell.

"Hey, H?" Louis said softly once all the other boys were gone. Harry kept his eyes on the ground, watching an ant go in circles. He hummed quietly in response though, not being able to have the heart to ignore Louis when he sounded so vulnerable. "Would you come in the tent for a minute? I need a hand with something." Disappointment flashed across his face until he realized there was a tone in his voice. Something that didn't seem like regular old Louis. Harry went in, turning to zip the tent up when Louis tapped him on the shoulder. Harry craned his neck to see-fuck-an absolutely mouth watering sight. Louis, lace, hard cock. Harry's fantasies were most definitely coming true. But, were they Louis'? "What d'you need help with, Lou?" Harry rasped, his voice deep. "This." Louis' voice was high and breathy as if he'd just-oh fuck. He'd been touching his cock the whole time they were talking. "Guys?" Shit, Liam. Louis didn't look panicked at all though. He just kept touching himself and letting out breathy moans as heat rose to Harry's cheeks. He unzipped the tent ever so slightly. "Here, Li!" He tried to mask Louis' noises. Liam's brows furrowed. "Is Louis okay?" He asked. "Yeah, yeah just-" Harry was cut off by a yell of his own name. "Having some bad stomach cramps. I think it's the jerky. We'll be down to swim in a while, might be a bit late though." Harry blushed harder. Liam nodded, an uneasy look still on his face. "We've got all day, no rush." He said before walking off-almost running, really. "Louis, what the hell?" Harry whisper shouted. Louis pouted. He was such a cocky, dominant, attention seeking loud mouth any other time. And here he was, in their shared tent, submissive and willing to do whatever Harry wanted. "Want you. Take me, please. Want you to fuck me." Louis pleaded. And who was Harry to deny him of what he wanted? They couldn't do it in their little tent, it'd leave too much of a mess. And Harry volunteered to lead group today-they each took turns leading the group on different days, today was the Stylinson tent day-and at the end of all the activities, they'd all huddle up in his tent and tell stories. And drink. Underage. But who cared, they were camping in the woods! It was a time to smoke weed, drink beer and have random orgies-well maybe not that last one just yet. "C'mon, love. We've gotta go somewhere else." Harry whispered, unzipping the tent and grabbing Louis' hand. "H, what the fuck?" The submission was gone, and now it was classic pissed Louis. Louis was fumbling to cover himself with one hand as Harry scooped him up and ran. They were deep, deep in the woods when Harry found the perfect thing to fuck Louis on. A big, wide, rough oak tree. "Harry, really, you aren't serious about having sex with me he-" Louis was cut off by his back being slammed against the tree. "Ouch," Louis groaned, Harry's crotch pressed harshly against his own. "You sure? You really wanna be fucked?" Harry asked, his eyes full of sincerity. Louis had to resist the urge to scoff. "You know all those times I was out with Sydney? We were at a gay bar. She was hooking up with chicks and I was busy with the glory hole and looking like the biggest twink imaginable. Couldn't you tell? I've been wanting your cock for ages. I saw it once, well, three times, but still. The first time you were in the shower and I had to brush my teeth. I told myself I wouldn't look but I could see it out of the corner of my eye. It was so thick, and huge, and fuck I wanted it in me so damn bad. I needed more, so I walked in when you were wanking. Best fucking thing I've ever seen. I came three times that night. And the most recent time was last night. Knew you were gonna have to get off before we left so I watched, listened, it felt so good. Don't think a vibrator can compare to the real thing though." Louis rambled, his cheeks flushed and his cock soaking the underwear with precum. "Okay." Harry nodded to himself. "Okay." He repeated firmly, tugged the underwear to the side and nudging his middle finger inside of Louis' surprising slick hole easily. "Fingered myself with my own cum before you came into the tent. Forgot the lube." Louis said simply. "Shit, that's hot." Harry groaned, pushing a second finger in. "Fuck, fuck, fuck. Your fingers are so much bigger than mine." Louis moaned loudly. Thing is, he could probably yell as loud as he wanted, and no one would hear him except the animals. And maybe the boys, but who cares. Harry kept working Louis open, adding a third finger when Louis was almost in tears. "Shit, shit. Feels so good, Haz. So good." He panted, rocking his hips down onto Harry's fingers. Harry wanted to know what that felt like on his cock. He didn't wanna waste anytime finding out though, so he tugged his swim trunks down and rubbed Louis' slick against himself. Harry nudged the tip of his cock against Louis' hole, and Louis wasn't about to fiddle around, pushing himself down onto Harry. With his arms and legs wrapped around Harry to keep himself steady, his arms were between Harry's thumbs and index fingers to keep him against the tree. With every thrust Harry gave, Louis bounced upward with his back scraping the tree-he was gonna have bad scrapes later. "Feel so good, baby. So damn good." Harry gritted out, close to his climax. Louis' cock twitched once, twice, three times before spurting out cum across his and Harry's torsos. Harry groaned out something inaudible before pulling out and putting Louis down. Louis' eyes went dark with lust, his pupils blown wide as he ogled Harry's dick. "Wanted this forever, been dying for it in my mouth." Louis licked up the underside, tasting his own cum mixed with Harry's. Louis sort of hit his lips with it-an interesting move, Harry noted-before letting it slide into his mouth easily. Louis' lips stretched around the base, and Harry shuddered as he felt it go down Louis' throat. Louis' eyes watered and his lips were starting to bruise but he didn't gag, he didn't make one sound of displeasure. He took it, and begged for more. With Harry's cock still down Louis throat as if it were a stuck piece of food or maybe a bug, he came, feeling Louis gulp it down around his cock. Louis bobbed his head a couple more times to make sure Harry was absolutely clean before standing up and feeling his ass burn down through his legs and up through his back. The rest of his back, though, felt like absolute shit. It burned, and it hurt and it itched and when Louis moved he felt like he was gonna cry. "Lemme see, love." Harry said softly as he pulled up his swim trunks, practically sensing Louis' pain. It looked like shit too, Harry noted. It was bruising, and everywhere else was a furious pink mixed with a bloody red. It looked like he just came out of a slasher movie. "Let's get you cleaned up, yeah?" Harry said, picking Louis back up so he didn't have to walk. "Wanna swim first." Louis pouted and again, who was Harry to deny him of what he wanted? And maybe the fresh water would help to cleanse the cuts. Harry nodded, carrying Louis back to the camp grounds so he could get his swim trunks. Harry let him get dressed in peace, standing outside the tiny tent to wait. When he came out, he looked like he just came out of a slasher porno. His cheeks were flushed, his lips were bruised, his eyes glassy and pupils still blown. "Fuck, babe. You look good." Harry whispered against his neck before kissing it softly, making Louis squeal from the tickle. "Stop, Haz! It's sensitive." Louis slapped his arm, not enough to hurt Harry, though, making him smirk against Louis' neck before finally pulling off. "Let's swim with the boys." Harry said matter-a-fact-ly as he grabbed his hand and lead him to the lake.

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