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3rd pov
When everyone one left Ochaco started planning to get Toga arrested so she could have Deku she went on a UA computer that was in the staff room so she could see any records of attacks and if Toga was in any so she could get the teachers to get her so she didn't get in trouble as well .
Ochaco pov
yes found some so I just need to ask if I could go out on a search for her woo hoo then Deku might date me tonight I will go hopefully Deku's not there to try and convince me that she's not a villain and you can't take her bla bla bla now I should get gear for tonight in case she try's to kill me what will I need protective clothing hand cuffs maybe a non-lethal weapon that's about it I should go ask a teacher if I can go.
Ochaco-"Mr Aziawa can I do some hero work tonight because I've seen Toga a villain that has attacked this class before"
Mr Aziawa-"ughhhh fine just let me have a nap"
Yes yes yes I can go it's nearly time to go so I should get ready I'll ask Momo for a baton and some protective gear.
Ochaco-"Momo can I have a baton and protective gear "
Momo-"why "
Ochaco-"hero work "
Momo-"sure can I come "
Ochaco-"sorry to risky for two "
Yay now I should go.
At Toga's place

Okay Deku's not here sweet but that skank is *knock knock*.
Toga-"coming "
*door opens *
Ochaco-"hi you're under arrest for attacking UA "
Deku-"no you can't arrest her you have no proof and you can't arrest someone if they haven't done anything in the last month and she hasn't "
Ochaco-"that only works with small crimes like stealing a handbag but she attacked UA"
Deku-"she didn't the rest of the group did not her she helped me when I was at my worst "
Ochaco-"how what did she do that got you to sleep with a villain "
Deku-"you know that week I was missing I was getting tortured by them but she helped me and let me go and the heroes did NOTHING WHILE I HAD TO GO THREW EXCRUCIATING PAIN SO I WONT LET YOU TAKE HER FROM ME "
Ochaco-"too bad she's a villain "
Deku pov
No OFA FC 5% *smash*.
Deku-"I SAID NO "
Ochaco-"just saying I loved you but not anymore *sobs*"
Thanks god she's gone hopefully forever.

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