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Making his way up the building's stairs, Russia walked at a steady pace; He had gotten up early to see his new dorm room. He got transferred to this school last minute, meaning his potential roommate might've already settled in, but that wasn't to be counted on considering it was only the second day of the new college year. It was a very basic yet well-rounded school, having almost every subject you could think of. They were prided on having such a wide diversity of people, teachers, and classes, which was perfect since Russia's English language still wasn't fully developed. He could speak sentences, but if he had to describe something in depth, he'd struggle badly. Russian was easier for him to speak, so he mostly stuck to it. Snapping out of his thoughts, he realized he was in front of what he assumed was the main office. The nice middle-aged lady at the receptionist's desk gave him all the information he needed to find his room, including an extra copy of his class schedule and when the different lunches were. Thanking her, Russia made his departure and rolled his suitcase into the elevator. The quiet music was nice, and would've been calming if he wasn't in such a rush to see his new room. Finally, the door made a 'ting' as it opened and Russia walked out. He looked around, searching the main hallway, and he happened to find the door he was looking for: Dorm 143. The door gave way as he slid the little, plastic card into a slot beneath the handle. Grabbing the knob, he took a deep breath and opened the door.

The first thing that caught his eye was the bunkbeds on the other side of the room, across from the door. They weren't your typical bunks that you'd find in a child's room however, they had desks underneath. He recognized them from previous dorms he looked into at other colleges; They looked quite useful. You could put tons of supplies on the wide desk and there were shelves behind the ladder leading to the bed. They laid side-by-side, and seeing as the other one was taken over by chip bags, it was clear his other roommate already arrived. Russia dropped his personal belongings onto the cleaner bed and settled down on the mattress. He didn't have any classes today thankfully, but unpacking was going to be tiring, so after weighing his options, he opted for taking a short nap. His body already felt a bit sore from the constant walking around, so once his head hit the soft pillow underneath him, he fell asleep instantly.

Hours passed by, and eventually, a one hour nap turned into an all day sleeping session. When Russia opened his eyes, the light coming from the kitchen was reflecting inside the entire dorm. Another figure was clearly making some sort of food, who he assumed to be his roommate. However, there was something else; A small blanket laid across his legs, though he swore he didn't even bring one. While it was shorter than he was and didn't cover him completely, Russia became immune to it, being the tallest sibling in his family for years. He sat up, neatly folded the blanket due to habits, and set it on top of the real bed sheets. He headed over to where their small kitchen was and tried to make as little noise as possible with his boots still on. Another person was standing in front of the microwave while some food warmed up. Russia leaned on the doorway and watched, not wanting to disturb the other. They took the food out before it beeped, probably thinking he was still asleep and didn't want the alarm to wake him up. But when they went to turn around, they caught sight of Russia and jumped, nearly spilling the food. Russia gently chuckled at the reaction while their roommate steadied their breathing. After their outburst, Russia did feel a little bad for scaring this new person, so he spoke up to reassure them. "Good introduction I suppose, you okay?" His Russian accent became apparent the more he spoke.

"Yeah.. Yeah I'm fine, I thought you were still asleep." Their voice was shaking, but they were clearly calming down. "I'm America." They said as they held out their hand for their new friend to shake. Russia accepting, noticing how much smaller this 'America' was compared to him. Their hands were tiny in comparison, it was quite adorable in his opinion. They were going to get along fine. Russia knew it, and so did America. They spent the rest of the night talking about all sorts of things; Families, classes, hobbies, and everything in between. Russia felt like he new America since they were kids, and they got along so well. Turns out most of their classes were together, aside from their last class of the day. America had a study hall with his other friends while Russia had a cooking class.

"Oh man, it's already 10! I gotta head to bed! Goodnight Russia!" America exclaimed as he jumped up off their couch, rushing to the kitchen to rinse off his bowl. Russia let out another chuckle and stood up to climb into his bed, laying his hat on the desk underneath him.

"доброй ночи, Америка." He mumbled out in his native tongue as he heard America rustle into his bedsheets and softly smiled. He sure liked this roommate.


"доброй ночи, Америка."
"Good night, America."

930 Words.

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