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A week had already passed by smoothly; The teachers Russia had were fine, none were too annoying or strict, but he hadn't made many friends. There was Germany and Poland, but he's known them since they were kids, so they didn't exactly count. Thankfully, America was in many of his classes, so Russia would just sit near him and his friend group. He didn't exactly talk to many of them except for group projects, but he didn't mind at all. They were too loud anyways, such as Japan and South Korea. Nice and polite countries, but when they weren't doing work, they would gossip about everyone, and that wasn't exactly Russia's comfort zone.

With the first weekend coming up tomorrow, most teachers let Friday be an easy day, and with only a study hall at the end of the day, America left early to go to his dorm. He was already exhausted, but that was nothing new. Realizing he didn't eat lunch today due to being too busy with a due project, he decided to go get some take-out. But suddenly, he stopped abruptly in his tracks in front of the door: Russia might want some food too. Taking a couple steps backwards, America reaches into his back pocket and pulls out his phone. Nervously, he types out a quick, 'I'm getting take-out, want anything?', and plops down on his couch for a minute while he waits for a response. 5 minutes later, America's phone goes off with a new text notification. Knowing it was obviously from Russia, he happily opens his phone and reads, 'Can you wait a couple minutes? I have permission to leave class early.' America smiles and sends a quick 'Sure!' in agreement and waits for the taller country to arrive. Not too long after, the door opens and Russia walks in, making America jump up in excitement and runs over to greet him.

"Hey Russia! Ready to go?" America asks with a hyper tone, bouncing up and down slightly on his sneakers. Partly because of how tall Russia was, but also because he was just excited to see his roommate again. He'd grown quite an admiration for the country, finding him amazing and interesting, and just the thought of talking with him again was enough to make America feel better.

Russia gave a slight nod and replied, "да, just a moment пожалуйста." As he spoke, he walked behind America to set his backpack down on the couch, definitely not wanting to carry it around any longer. "вы готовы? Eh sorry- Are you ready?" Russia tripped over his words as he caught his mistake, realizing America wouldn't understand what he was asking.

America giggled and shook his head in agreement. "Yep! Where do you want to go?" He questioned; He already knew some good places in the area, but he considered that Russia might want something different.

Russia just shrugged with a neutral expression, "You can choose, I do not mind." He moved his gaze downward to look at the shorter country as he adjusted the ushanka on his head. He felt a bit awkward; Not because of America himself, but more because of his language slip-up and how he barely knows anywhere around here. It's not like his motherland, so it's more alien to him. He assumed America already knew where most places were considering he lived closer and he knew far more people. He has probably already have hung out with tons of friends at restaurants and shopping malls.

America pondered for a second before looking up excitingly at Russia, "Why don't we go to a café? There's a good one down the road!" His smile grew bigger as Russia nodded in agreement, and he grabbed the taller country's hand as he rushed them out of the door. They slowed down their running to a walk, but America never let go of the other's hand. It wasn't a tight grip either, so Russia could easily get America off of him, but he didn't exactly want to. The gesture was cute, and his hand was smaller than Russia's, making it the perfect size for him to hold. Russia blushed brightly at the thought of holding America's hand more often; He used his free hand to adjust his ushanka and turned his head to the side. America didn't notice thankfully, being too caught-up. Once Russia finally looked forward again, he noticed that they've arrived in front of a small café on the corner of a road, and it seemed to project a sweet smell from inside. America looked over at Russia, only now noticing that their hands were still connected. He blushes lightly and let go, hiding both hands in the pockets of his jacket and slightly smiled. "We're here."

Russia walked forward and held the door open for the other country. "Lead the way." He said as he stepped to the side. America beamed and went through the door, picking a booth near a large window and sat down, Russia following along. For a Autumn day, it was peaceful outside, and the warm café both countries sat in made the atmosphere better. It was cliché, but this moment felt like it was straight out of a movie or magazine; Well, at least to Russia it did. He honestly had no idea what America was thinking. The small country seemed to be oblivious, very much so. But that was fine, Russia was having fun hanging out with his roommate and he hoped America felt the same.

They ordered their food once their waiter came over. They were nice, but neither country really cared; Their conversation was far more interesting. Russia was explaining his family and what his country was like, such as traditions and different types of food. Luckily, America listened intently, fascinated with how interesting his roommate was. They were similar in many different ways, but Russia seemed so happy talking about his family that America couldn't help but smile and feel happy for him. He can't remember much about his mother and he doesn't have the best relationship with his father, Britain, as of right now; But he was very close with his brother, Canada. They've been best friends since children and they've always done everything together. But for family, that was mostly it. Russia however had a father and many siblings, each of them with their own memorable moments. He was clearly fond and protective of his younger brothers and sisters, and at some points, America would giggle at how endearing Russia was. He truly thought Russia was perfect: Family-oriented, strong, intelligent, but also reserved and polite. Almost the opposite of America, but they always say opposites attract, so perhaps that's what happened here. Or at least, that's what the smaller country would tell himself, at least for the time being.

The rest of the afternoon flashed by, almost going by too quick. Before they realized it, both countries were finished with their lunch and it was already 14:30, roughly when class ended. With that, they paid and walked back to their dorm to work on school work and relax for the upcoming weekend. America knew he wanted to play video games, specifically a new one that just came out, however he needed to go buy it first. He considered asking Russia if he'd like to tag along as America went to a nearby mall to get what he needed. Though, he realized after such an exciting day they had today, he was quite exhausted and wanted to take a nap, so he settled on asking tomorrow: Hopefully Russia will agree.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2019 ⏰

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