Chapter 2

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Stephs POV

After we watched the movie we decided to gossip about what has been happening in our lives. Some of us have had friendship issues back at school and some are just tired of school. But we moved the school subject away and talked about girly things.

Ash asked us " hey you guys wanna summon a ghost now?" We all said yeah and stared to set up our séance. Once we set up the room we put our hands together

Then Ash said " Is there anyone here who wishes to communicate with us?" Nothing happened. She then said " any close old relatives or friends"

All of a sudden the candles start to move funny and there was a chill in the room. Then we see with our very eyes the one and only Steve Clark. The five us looked at him in shock, Rachael said in shock " Uncle Steve... w-what are you doing here?"

He replied "You summoned me and so I have answered, don't be afraid of me I just need to tell you girls something important."

Mia then said " what is it you need to say Steve?" He replied " I'm here to say that there is something strange about to happen, you five need to get out of this room before.." he was interrupted by Ash "before what?!" She panicked

All of a sudden a huge portal appeared and the girls got sucked into it. From there they were gone.

Cliff hanger!!! Sorry this is a little short but it's going to get better I promise!!!

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