Chapter 4

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Rachael's POV

We sat down and started to think where we could find our fathers

Ash said " do any of you have any ideas where we could find our dads?" We all shoo our heads and sighed.

Then an idea popped into my head "maybe they might be inside strip clubs, I know it sounds gross but guys love seeing girls shake their booty." They all laughed at my comment and Mia said "That's actually a good idea, even though it sounds gross."

Ash then replied "But don't we need an ID?" Then I said "we can make a fake ID" we all nodded then decided to create our ID's

We stole a camera off someone and did mugshots on each other then created our fake ids. They came out quite well.

After we created our ids we decided to head to the sunset strip to see if we could find our dads. When we made we saw a huge line of people waiting to go inside. It was a Saturday night and we knew that it was going to be packed. The line started to get smaller and smaller and once it got up to us they actually let us in without even checking our ids we were frilled but we needed to keep it a secret because if anyone finds out we are dead.

Ash's POV
As soon as we got inside we could smell, alcohol, puke and cigarettes. It was very interesting. We see males with big hair, girls with either with straight hair or big puffed up hair with heavy make up.

I was a little nervous because a lot of people were looking at us like we were kids but we walked together like we were pros. The girls and I could see many celebrities in here, we could see Brett Michaels, Axl Rose and Vince Neil surrounded with girls all around them. The girls and I thought the exact same thing 'typical'. The guys saw us and we ignored them because they are literally our dads ages and there us no way we are falling for these rockstars.

We split up into two groups to find our them. I went with Mia and the other three went together. It was so disgusting seeing all these strippers trying to get attention with the celebs. I thought to myself why? Well as they say 'sex, drugs and rock n roll'.

After looking around the place for half an hour we got back together and went outside to leave the building since it was getting so crowded.

Steph said " I am never going back in there again, seeing all those women doing the shut, it's disgusting' We all agreed with her comment since it was very true.


I'm still planning this story so if I take a while to update I'm sorry to keep you waiting

Anyway I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2018 ⏰

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