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Just like every other day, the beach was quiet. The waves crashed onto the shore, white froth forming as it did, the bubbles of air trying to escape from the water. The palm trees swayed slightly in the gentle breeze, their leaves making a soft rustling sound which was pleasant to the ears. The sky was partially covered with fluffy white clouds, which covered the Sun entirely. No living creature was ever seen on this beach, and it laid there untouched for what seemed like months.

The peacefulness of the beach atmosphere was, unfortunately, shattered by the voice of a teenage male, accompanied by a female.


The pair appeared out of nowhere, the boy letting go of her hand as he took a step forward. His eyes scanned his environment, widening in disbelief.

"Never seen a beach in your life?" The girl pocketed a tube-like device as she asked.

He shook his head, marveling in awe at the scenery that greeted him.

"I've never seen one so perfect."

He crouched down, scooping a handful of sand and slowly letting them go, "Even the sand is so soft! Where are we?"

She looked around, finding her sense of direction, "We're at the island's beach. Not far off from my place, just need to walk up straight."

He stood up again, eyebrows furrowing, "Where is everything? It's like a ghost town."

"I'm the only inhabitant, remember? No one can get here except me."

He nodded, a smirk forming on his face as an idea struck him. He took a step back to her, reaching out for her hand. She blinked twice, suddenly feeling extremely awkward as his hand made contact with hers. He tightened his grip on her hand, fingers curling around hers, leaning in closer. Her heart pumped ten times faster, blood rushing to her face, her mind blank. He stopped inching in, his face an inch away from hers. She stopped breathing, standing as still as a statue. His smile grew wider, a hint of cheekiness could be seen in his eyes. She dared to blink, but not to breathe, her eyes widening. He winked.


He let go of her hand immediately, heels turned and off he went. Something clicked inside of her, and she took off after him.

"(Curse word)!"

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