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The soft cracks of fallen twigs were heard as the two trudged through the seemingly endless forest. The trees towered over them, providing them with shade from the scorching sun, yet allowing rays of sunlight to shine through the gaps in the leaves and branches, lighting up the forest floor. Camouflaged crickets chirped and the various unidentified birds squawked, sounding near yet far, high above in the trees. She took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh oxygen supplied by the lush green plants that surrounded her, and then she stopped. He wasn't looking ahead of him, and bumped his head lightly into her back. He muttered a soft 'sorry', and his brows furrowed.

"Why did we stop?"

"We're here."

He lifted his head. Ahead of him was nothing but pitch black. His eyes widened, hoping that perhaps, with more light entering his pupil, he could see better in the dark, but even with his heightened senses, he couldn't see anything. It was like putting his five fingers into the dark and not seeing any of them at all. His ears, however, picked up the sound of water droplets dripping from the ceiling of the cave, as well as the echo that followed. The dampness of the cave could be felt, even a meter away from the entrance to it. A chill was sent down his spine.

"I can't imagine what this looks like to you."

She grinned from ear to ear, hands reaching into her pocket to grab her trusty tool. She looked at him confidently, eyes seeming to sparkle in the cave if they had actually entered it.

"This," She said, "is the way home."

With that, she pointed her gadget at the total blackness in front of them, creating an invisible portal. Once it was fully formed, which was signified by the force that  seemed to pull them in, she took his hand, fingers intertwined, and dragged him into the abyss.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2018 ⏰

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