Chapter 4

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(Ponyboy's POV) When we watched That innocent girl get jumped right before our eyes we knew we had to help. Those socs were always hated by us, but when we see them jump a girl, we always make em' pay. We chased them away and made sure they'd never come back. We went to make sure she was okay, and that was when I realized who it was. It was that girl from school, I think her name is Brielle! She was out cold. I almost passed out from what I saw, and I knew Johnny felt the same way. If only the rest of the gang were there, we could've fought those socs off quicker. It was just me, Johnny and Two bit. Nobody said a word. Finally after what seemed like forever, Two bit picked her up and carried her to my house. As soon as we walked in the door, Soda ran into the room. "Hey! You guys wanna go d-oh my god what happened?" "She was jumped on her way home from school. We were hoping you could help?" I said. Soda looked down at Brielle then back up at me. "Of coarse I'll help!" Two bit carefully placed her on the couch as Soda brought the first aid kit. We all watched in silence as he cleaned her up. It was so quiet it kinda scared me a little. Just then Darry loudly burst through the door, making us all jump. "So today my boss was like 'oh yeah you're the best worker I've ever had' then later he turns around and was like-oh my god what happened!" We all turned and said different things. "Whoa whoa whoa, one at a time!" He said. "Well, me and Johnny and Two bit were walkin' home from school when we saw this girl get jumped by a couple of socs." I said. Darry turned to Brielle with a concerned look on his face. "Let me help."

I hope you all like this so far!

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