A week went by and Jeff hasn't talked to me since what happened. He sends me sad looks every now and again but that's it. I've gotten to know Toby a lot better. Slenders even got me going on missions with him, Tim, Brian and Kate. They're pretty cool dudes too. Tim lets me smoke with him sometimes so we started talking more. He's a pretty cool dude, so is Brian. They're pretty chill. Kate and I hardly talk but she's nice. Toby doesn't talk much on missions but we talk alot on our own. I was sitting in the hallway when Jeff came up to me.

"Look Rosa, I'm sorry. I was drunk and I didn't know what I was doing at the time," he said, "I really like you."

"I accept your apology," I replied, "but if you do that shit again you're dead to me."

He nodded sincerely and walked off. A younger girl at the mansion named Sally came up to me and grabbed my hand.

"Come play with me! We're having a tea party," she said.

I laughed, getting up and following her. When I walked in the room Splendorman was sitting on one of the extremely small chairs surrounding a little table. In one of the other chair was a teddy bear. Sally sat in a chair across from splendor and had me sit between him and her. Splendor looked over at me.

"Rosa!!! So glad to have you here! I haven't seen you in forever," he said.

I gave him a confused look and he just laughed and acted like he said nothing. I was curious but I wasn't gonna ask. Something about him seemed familiar though. Broken memories flooded through my mind. I briefly remembered me as a young baby, about 2 maybe, looking up at 4 tall men.I couldn't make out there looks much sadly. Then I remembered being about 5 and running around the playground with a tall happy guy. I don't remember what he looked like but that was my old imaginary friend, or at least I think it was. All the memories ended suddenly when I heard a knock at Sally's door.

"Could I maybe join you guys?" Toby asked, standing in the doorway.

"Sure!" Sally said grabbing a chair from her closet.

Toby sat in the chair next to me and Sally started handing out tea in our little tea cups. It was fun to get to hang with these people, especially a kid like Sally. It made me think of my sister. She would've loved to hang out with Sally. She never did have many friends at school or in our neighborhood. Hours passed and Toby and I headed back to his room as the night came upon us. I started to undress to change into pajamas. I was in my black Lacey bra and underwear when I felt hands on my waist and a person behind me. I turned around to see Toby behind me. He looked really nervous.

"Toby, what are you doing?" I asked.

Suddenly he kissed me. It was passionate yet loving. I found myself kissing back. I didn't know why, it just felt right. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer so I wrapped my arms around his neck. He pulled away and we looked at eachother for a moment. He let me go and pulled back suddenly.

"Rosie, I'm s-so sorry I didn't know what I was doing I just really like you and I-" he started before I kissed him, cutting him off.

"I like you too Toby," I said.

He smiled and hugged me. We hugged for a minute before continuing to get ready for bed. I changed my clothes and climbed into bed watching Toby get dressed. He was left in just his boxers when he climbed into bed next to me. He was pretty muscular and hot, I couldn't helped but stare.

"Like what you see?" He asked laughing slightly.

I blushed and nodded awkwardly. He smiled and layed down beside me. I moved over and rested my head on his chest. He held me in his arms and we both fell asleep.

{Toby's POV}

Me and Rosalinda were having a tea party with Sally when it started getting dark so we headed back to my room. She was still staying with me even tho she worked things with Jeff out. She took her clothes off to get changed like she does every night but this time I just stared at her. In all her beauty she was always mesmerizing. It was time I told her how I felt. I walked up behind her and placed my hands on her waist pulling her close to me. She turned around and stared into my eyes. I was so nervous. I hope she doesn't think I'm a creep seeing as she's only in her bra and underwear.

"Toby, what are you doing?" She asked.

I leaned in and kissed her suddenly with all my passion and love for her. She kissed back and everything was like magic. I wrapped my arms around her waist pulling her close to me while she had her arms around my neck. I wanted to protect her from anything that may harm her. Make sure she's loved and protected. I got scared she didn't like the kiss and pulled back suddenly.

"Rosie, I'm s-so sorry I didn't know what I was doing I just really like you and I-" I began to say before getting cut off by her putting her lips on mine, kissing me, shutting me up.

"I like you too Toby," she said when she pulled away.

I was smiling like an idiot. All I did was hug her for a bit before we parted and got changed for bed. She put a over sized pastel purple shirt over her body with just her underwear on underneath before getting in bed. I stripped to only my boxers before climbing into bed too. She was staring at me, mostly my abs, so I decided to have some fun with it.

"Like what you see?" I asked jokingly.

She blushed madly, it was so damn cute. I layed down beside her and she layed her head on my chest so I wrapped my arms around her and we drifted off to sleep m there was something really peaceful and nice about sleeping next to Rosa. Sleeping next to the girl I love getting to hold her in my arms and protect her from any harm that may come in the night. It was the best feeling in the whole world.

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