I stood there shocked. I didn't know how to process this information. My whole life has been insane, and now this. I never thought I'd meet my father, yet alone have him turn out to be a demonic sex offender murderer. How does one process something like this.

"You're my father?" I exclaimed.

"Yes," Offender replied.

I looked up at him in shock. I couldn't find any words to say. I ran out of the room, down the stairs and out the front door before Toby or anyone else could say anything to me. The world felt dizzy. Everything would be different now. I ran to the ocean and sat on the dock with my feet in the water. I couldn't think straight. What could I possibly do. I mean, he's my dad. I guess I have to accept that. It would be nice to have a real father finally. But how do accept a dad you never knew you'd find. I sat at the dock thinking alone until finally someone came and sat beside me. I looked over to see Jeff. He grabbed my hand in a comforting way and rubbed him thumb over the back of my palm like he'd do when we were kids. I rested my head on his shoulder.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Well I just found out that Offender is my dad," I replied, "I don't know what to do."

"It'll be alright," he said wrapping his arm around my shoulder pulling me closer.

I missed things like this. I never realized how much I missed him till now. I slowly closed my eyes and drifted asleep.

{Jeff's POV:}

I noticed Rose fell asleep. She looked so cute and peaceful when she slept. I blushed remembering the position were in. I remember when we used to do this as kids when she was upset. It was starting to get dark so I pulled away careful not to wake her and picked her up gently. I walked to the house with her in my arms and entered the house quietly. As soon as I got in Toby ran up to me.

"I-Is she okay?" He asked.

"She's fine she fell asleep," I replied, "I guess you should take her back to your room."

I didn't really wanna let her go but I handed her to him. He smiled and took her upstairs. It felt nice being with her. I always liked her when we were kids, but I never got the chance to tell her. I've got to make her mine somehow, but she really seems to love Toby. I'll figure something out. I have to.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2019 ⏰

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