Killing Stalking/Reader: Result 5

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[Results Option 5]

As you rounded the corner to the restaurant, a familiar head of black hair came into view.

"Bum!" You called out, still winded from sprinting. His eyes twinkled when he caught sight of you and he ran to meet you halfway. His adorable smile was almost enough to make you forget your mission. "Hi, sweetheart." He immediately blushed at the nickname and giggled.

"Hi... babe." He tested the waters, timidly averting your eyes until you pulled him into your arms for a warm hug and kiss. "Did you..." He noted how sweaty and out of breath you were. " all this way just to meet me?" He gifted you his signature love-struck gaze.

"I... couldn't wait to see you is all." You replied, and Bum couldn't resist pulling you back into his arms. 'Gosh, Bum is affectionate.'  You plopped your cheek against his and watched the cars go by for a moment. It was difficult to pinpoint exactly why, but your sense of urgency began to fade. An uncertainty began to weigh on your mind instead, and you realized that you didn't exactly know for sure that Sangwoo had abducted her. I mean... you knew, but only on instinct alone. However, it became apparent that, at this juncture, there was not much you could really do to help, and rushing into this without a proper stratagem would be like diving headlong into a pit of vipers.

On the contrary, the amount of time you had at your disposal was likely much longer than you initially feared. Sangwoo had only killed the CEO's daughter after Yoon Bum arrived to take her place. Despite his bloodlust, he wasn't actually the type to sully the fun in one night. He liked to play with his victims. If you were lucky, your kidnapped roommate had days or even weeks to live. The exact number would depend on how savvy she was at reading his moods. ...She never struck you as the intelligent type, so time was of the essence. You could only think of one possible plan, and it pained you at how heavily it relied on the doting man sitting across the table.

"F/N..." Bum furrowed his brows at the way you were tightly clutching onto your fork. "Is something bothering you?"

"Bum... I want to ask you a favor... but... I know it's too much."

"What do you need? You can ask me for anything!" He reached out to touch your hand and you found no trace of insincerity in his gentle eyes.

"...Will you stay at my place tonight so we can talk about it?" He lit up like a Roman candle at the invitation.


"So... what was it you wanted to ask me?" Bum coaxed back in your dorm room. You glanced at the empty bed next to you.

"Mmm~... Let's watch a movie first and then talk about it." You decided to stall a bit in the hopes that your roommate would return.

"Okay..." The corners of his lips fell slightly; the anticipation must have been bugging him.

"Come here, love." You had turned off all the lights save for one small desk lamp and started the movie on your modest little television screen. You patted the space in front of you and Bum came to sit. You wrapped your arms around his waist and pulled him until his back rested against your chest. He instantly melted into your embrace like butter on freshly toasted bread, laying his head all the way back onto your shoulder. 'He's so damn cute...'

A short while passed and the bed adjacent to yours remained empty. 'Please come back...'  You clenched your teeth together, but you weren't the only one growing restless. You couldn't help but notice Bum starting to squirm in your arms.

The dark amber mood lighting was beginning to affect him. The two of you were all alone, and your eyes had such an alluring golden glow. He loved you so much that it hurt; his heart ached at the thought of being this close to you. He hadn't even noticed that he'd begun involuntarily dropping hints of affection, like the way he was absentmindedly stroking the top of your hands with his fingertips, drawing little shapes until you told him how much it tickled. Shortly after he pulled your arms tighter around him, guiding your hands over the planes of his chest while leaving little kisses on your cheek and jawbone.

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