Chapter 8

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Nyx wandered around the Baxter Building, the doctors had finally let them leave a few days ago after running tests one more time to make sure they were all fine. Apparently having Ben turn into a giant boulder and her having wings weren't obvious signs something had happened, not to mention Reed's gross stretching ability and Johnny's flames. Sue, well Reed was studying her power and didn't really tell anyone what it was yet.

            "Nyx your brother's calling a meeting in the lab." Ben informed her.

            "Great... lectures..." She muttered but followed him anyway.

            When they got there they saw Reed taking out the suits they had been wearing in space. "Our uniforms were exposed to the storm like us. So they can transform like us, becoming invisible, changing size on demand, or remaining impervious to flame."

            Nyx glanced at Sue; she must be the one with invisibility. Reed made them change but Ben refused and stayed there while the others left. Nyx put on her suit and felt her wings slide easily into the slits on the suit. She went out to where the others were coming back in their suits and Ben stood there looking at them.

            "You look like an eighties rock band." He told them.

            Sue gave him a look. "The suit will stretch. You should try it."

            "I won't be caught dead in that."

            "Ben just admit it... you want to try on your suit." Nyx said.

            "Maybe you don't care about looking like your from another time period but I do."

            "He's right. These costumes are... missing something." Johnny got a thoughtful look on his face. "I can't put my finger on it..."

            "They're not costumes." Reed corrected.

            "We're not taking them out. Johnny, we need to stay here till we've stabilized." Sue scolded.

            Johnny scowled. "I'm sick of being suck here. Even NASA wasn't this strict!"

            With that Johnny left and Sue followed closely behind to make sure he didn't leave.

            "Try a utility belt." Nyx joked before following them.

            "Very funny." Reed muttered but didn't forget her idea even if she didn't mean it to be serious.

            Nyx felt her phone vibrating in her pocket and took it out, Victor was calling her; she slid her thumb across the touch screen to answer.

            "What is it Victor?"

            "Nyx... meet me at my place now!" She could hear the urgency in his voice. "It's important."

            "Right I'm on my way."

            Nyx hung up the phone and changed back into her normal clothes, instead of coming out of her room though she just opened the window and spread her wings, the gold streaks shimmered in the sunlight. Without a second thought she jumped out and went into a dive before spreading her wings and flapping them to regain altitude, most of the people below didn't even notice, the reason why? Because most people don't look up, they keep their eyes on the ground and at their height. She flew down and landed a little awkwardly at Victor's house, he opened the door before she could knock and pulled her inside.

            "What' so important?" She asked right before seeing one of his arms was completely made of metal. "What happened?"

            "My doctor said this was only the beginning... it will spread to the rest of me." He told her. "I just wanted to make sure you knew."

            "Reed could fix it. He said he was going to cure us."

            "No! You can't tell anyone about this!" Victor clenched his fist; unknowingly making the lights flicker.

            "Then why tell me?"

            "Because I think it would be safer for you to not be around me." The image of punching a hole through his doctor's body popped into Victor's mind.

            "And you think I'm safe?" Nyx arched her eyebrow.

            Victor smirked and brought her closer to him. "Of course not. How could someone with wings be safe?"

            "Don't be sarcastic. Or I might just drop you out of the sky... wonder if you'd become a pancake or dent like a tin can..." She pretended to ponder the thought for a few moments.

            "Yes, yes more dangerous than I originally thought."

            Nyx started laughing. "Yes nothing better than a girl with wings and no regard for rules."

            "What do you mean?"

            "Well I'm actually not supposed to leave the Baxter Building... but hey why should I listen to my brother?" Nyx suddenly stopped talking and Victor got a concerned look. "I'm fine... just thought of something."


            "Reed's going to kill me." With that she started laughing again.

            Victor frowned. "Well if he does I'll have to kill him."

            "Yeah right." Nyx stopped laughing though when she saw he looked serious. "Victor you wouldn't hurt my brother would you?"

            "If anyone hurts you I'll kill them."

            She felt as if the room had suddenly gotten colder and backed away slightly as a shock went through her. Victor gave her a confused look but Nyx didn't pay attention, she started backing away towards the door.

            "I-I better go..."

            Victor gave her a rejected look but it only lasted a second before he put on the usual cold mask. Despite that though he couldn't disguise his voice. "Fine... I guess this is goodbye Nyx... I truly thought you were my other half."

            Way to guilt trip me. Nyx thought as she looked at the ground, it isn't like she should care; yet it still stung a bit. "Yeah... bye."  

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