Chapter 13

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This is a second title cover by @Tamara96Phillips.

Nyx woke up disoriented; she turned her head and saw she was in a hospital room with her wing wrapped in gauze along with most of her side. "Why do I always seem to end up needing medical help?"

"Maybe because you try to do everything alone." She jumped and saw Johnny walking over to her from a chair. "You missed a great party."


"Now the whole world knows we're heroes... Sue and Reed are engaged too." Johnny continued.

"What about Doom? What did you do with him?" Nyx asked with a hint of venom in her voice.

"We had his body sent somewhere safe. Don't worry about that."

"He deserved that."

Johnny smirked. "Look who just got smarter."

Nyx glared at him and used her powers to fling him into a wall. "And look who just forgot I can control their blood."

"Okay... you got me." He stood up and walked back over to her before detaching the medical equipment from her arm. "Come on the doctors said you could leave today."

Johnny helped Nyx stand up and walk out of the hospital; noon sunlight blinded her for a few seconds before her eyes adjusted to the light. "I'll race you back to the Baxter Building"

Nyx spread her wings but Johnny shook his head. "Nyx, I'm sorry but they couldn't fully heal your wing... they said you wouldn't be able to fly again."

She gave him a disbelieving look. "You're joking, I flew with a broken wing and now that it's healed I can't fly!"

"Reed has been working on something to help. It would replace the bone that broke."

Nyx didn't respond; she tried to beat her healed wing but saw that one part of it wasn't moving normally. Johnny guided her to his car and drove back to the Baxter Building; he led her up to the lab and Reed looked up as they entered.

"Nyx you're better." Reed greeted.

She gave him a faint smile before sitting down in a chair nearby. "So Johnny says you can fix my wing."

"I'm pretty sure I can, you see I found a light metal so it won't weigh you down in fl-"

"Yeah I don't need the details." Nyx interrupted. "Let's just get this over with so I can fly again."

Reed nodded and led her over to a medical table, Nyx laid down on the table and felt her brother inject her with anesthesia, a few minutes later she fell asleep while Reed performed the surgery to take out her bone and replace it with the hollow metal one he'd made. When Nyx woke up she winced in pain and glanced at the stitches before turning her attention back to where Reed was looking at the computer monitors.

"So I can fly now?" She asked as she walked over to him.

"You should be able to but I wouldn't recommend it for a few days."

"Wonderful..." Nyx sighed before taking in how nervous her brother looked. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. It's just... I'm getting married to Sue."

"Johnny mentioned that. So what's the problem? You love her."

Reed ran his hand through his hair. "I have to plan the wedding, go back to a normal life, and keep doing my research."

"You make things too complicated. Sue can help with the wedding, a normal life is impossible with our powers so you'll have to deal with it, and you don't always have to be researching."

"I need my research!" His eyes widened in shock as he thought about abandoning his research.

"Right..." Nyx glanced at him. "But come on there's only a few months before the wedding and I'm going to help you focus on that."

"Actually it's in a month." Reed corrected.

"Then what are you doing sitting here?" Nyx exclaimed. "You have a wedding to plan now go find Sue and start talking about it!"

Reed felt himself being pushed out of the lab and glared at her. "I thought you were going to help."

"Help keep you focused. But right now I'm going to relax and get some pain killers." With that Nyx walked off, leaving Reed to wallow in his anxiety about the upcoming wedding and the plans yet to be made.

Sequel is called 'Fallen Angel'

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