Chapter 3

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        "Hey Luke,  me and Brandon are going to Crush.  Thank you so much for a good night, though.  I really thought it was fun."  I say to him already putting our plan into action.  From the corner of my eye I can see Brandon smirking.  Luke looks a little mad.  The tips of his ears are red and he narrowed his eyes at me.  Uh oh!  He kind of does look cute when he's mad!

        "Why are you going together?  I thought we were having a great night, Peyton?"  he looks sad.  Now I feel pretty bad about what we are doing.  We shouldn't be messing with his feelings like this.  Just as I look to Brandon to stop the idea he starts to speak.

        "Well since I got here I thought Peyton was beautiful and when you were in the bathroom I decided to get to know her better.  She is a wonderful girl and we decided to go get drinks since she is single and thought this was just some dinner you two were having to repay her for lending you her sweatshirt.''  Brandon says calmly.  I can't believe he called me beautiful though!  Maybe he isn't so bad...

        "What?  That's what you thought!  Peyton, sure thst was part of the reason for the dinner, but-"

        "Ok Peyton we better go before the line gets to long."  Brandon says pulling me off not before I look back to see Luke with a determind face on though.  "Wow I thought you were going to blow it right then and there!"

        "I was not going to blow it!  I just felt a little bad leaving Luke like that!  Especially with half his team there.  I mean the girl he was with ditching him for his best bud!  That is just a little mean and rude."

        "Well that is the plan, to get him jealous.  Now that we kind of embarrased him in front of people he knew, he will just want you more as sort of a revenge thing and a I got the girl I'm in love with thing!"

        "He is not in love with me, Brandon!"

        "Sure he isn't.... Oh here are the tickets." he says when we are in his car, and hands me the tickets.

        "Thanks!  Wait?  Why do you have these just laying around?" I ask.  He scratches his arm awkwardly.  "Well I was going to give them to this girl I liked, but now I'm giving it to her friend!"

        "Awwe!  You like Jess!  How cute!"  I say smiling and pinching his cheeks forgeting he is driving.

        "Watch it!  I'm driving!  I have to make sure Luke's precious cargo is home safetly." when he says that I blush.  I mean is it really that easy to tell that we like eachother?

        "Thanks for everything Brandon," I say for probably the 10th time. "And I'll make sure to tell Jess what a gentlemen you are!" his cheeks turn a little pink when I say that and I get out of the car.  We just pulled up to my dorm.  It isn't too late only midnight which isn't as late as some people stay out when they aare in college.  I do have a paper due tomorrow at 3 though.  Darn it!  I have to work on that now!    "Bye Brandon! See you tomorrow!"  I say walking into the dorm.

Brandon's POV

        I may have lied a little when I was telling Peyton my reasons for doing this.  You see Luke hasn't had a girlfriend since we were in high school.  The girl broke his heart and he never wanted to date again.  She actually cheated on him.   I have no idea why, but she did.  Luke was wondeful to her too.  He gave her everything she could possibly want and then he caught her kissing his worst rival Alec Soulmend.  Alec was a year above us, and on our rival school the Panthers.  He ended up going to University of California Berkely, so we don't see him anymore.  We do play against him though, but he sits on the bench.  Haha!  Kind of like karma for stealing another guys girl.  Anyway, the next year Luke was back and better than ever.  He became all-state and was recruited by multiple colleges.  Luckily he chose the one I was also recruited at-LSU.  This is where we are at now.

        Another reason is that I really like Peyton's sister, Summer.  Everyone has heard of her.  She is a famous sports model and completely gorgeous.  I met her once at a autograph sighning where she was actually a reporter.  Summer wouldn't let me have her number and just walked away when I asked.  I have been completely in love with her since.  I know it is kind of weird to love someone you barely know, but oh well!  You can't help who you fall in love with.  So I guess me and Peyton are using eachother.  She is using me for Luke and I am using her to get to her sister.

        Man I sound like a girl now.

Peyton's POV

        Today is the day I go to Luke and Brandon's football practice.  I just put my hair up in a cute messy bun and am wearing Brandon's jersey.  It is really big on me as expected.  It goes all the way down to he middle of my thighs!  I tucked it in, in the front to make it look more presentable. 

        "Are you excited to see Brandon and I wonder what his anouncement will be!"  Jess said.  She is so bubbly and happy all the time.  Like right now she is literaly bouncing in her seat!   Oh well!  I guess for some there is no hope!  I told her that Brandon told me he wants to announce something after practice.  I already know that he will announce that I am his girlfriend to everyone, but fake to me and him. 

        "I am very excited and we'll just have to see!  Now let's get out of this car!  We're here!"

        We get out of the car and make our way up the stands.  I see Luke look over and I wave to him.  Not wanting to be rude.  Brandon thn comes up to us and gives me a hug

        "Peyton, remeber our plan.  I will tell everyone after practice.  See you then."  he says kissing me on the cheek.       

        Luke and Brandon do really well.  Oh who am I kidding!  I have no idea how Brandon did because i watched Luke the entire time. 

        "Everyone I just want to introduce you to my girlfriend, Peyton."  Brandon announces after practice.  Everyone stops and looks at me standing next to Brandon.  Some people look surprised and Jess has a happy smile on, but Luke looks really angry.  *Snap*  Oh my God!  Luke just crushed his water bottle.  He does not look happy and is glaring at us.  Brandon just has a satisfied smirk on.


I know some people might not understand why Brandon is doing this to Luke, but it is all part of his plan to get luke jealous.  He wants them to be together.  So when Luke gets jealous of Brandon and Peyton he knows he is doing it right.  They are still bestfriends and he just wants happiness for Luke.


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