Chapter 8

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        Oh no!  Brandon!  He is still laying on the ground with a few cuts and some bruises are starting to form.

        "Brandon, are you okay?"  I ask him leaving Luke and rushing to his side.  Brandon and I weren't even dating!  Poor Brandon still got beat up!

        "I'm fine.  Thanks for thinking of me Peyton."  he says almost pointedly looking at Summer.  "I'm sorry Brans, I was in shock seeing the guy I like being beat up by the guy who is his best friend!"  Summer says still with tears in her eyes.

        ''Let's get out of here, Luke."  I say to hopefully my future boyfriend.  Luke looks up at me from staring at Brandon.

        "Yeah, let's do that!"  He says and we walk out with our hands wrapped around each others.

        "I was thinking we could go to your hometown this week sometime.  I was really looking forward to see where you lived and seeing your family again.  Okay I lied.  I really want to talk to your dad again.  Anyway after that I have a game in Michigan versus Michigan State.  I don't like their quarterback too much.  His name is Chase Reynolds.  You can come to the game with me.  We can drive up and make it like a roadtrip!  I would have to meet the bus at some point, but we can mostly drive together!"  Luke babbled on and on!  I really love this idea!  I can even see Hagan since she goes to college there!

        "I would love to Luke!  My best friend Hagan lives there and I can't wait to surprise her!  We can stay at my parents and get a hotel for the rest of the trip.  We can split the cost of gas and hotel fee.  Anything else?  I can't think of anything."  I say super excited now and literally bouncing on my heels.

        "If we do go I will pay for everything and we can use my truck to drive.  Don't even think about arguing with me!  It's only right since I was the one that suggested it I will pay."  He says.  I am kind of mad now because I feel bad not paying for anything.  I can't let him do that and plus it makes me look weak and like I can't take care of myself.  The only problem is even if I do convince him to let me pay, I don't have the money.

        "Fine, But I am paying for at least a t-shirt for you or something!"  I tell him reluctantly.  "When do we leave?" 

        "We can leave in two days if you want.  Coach gave us off of practice as long as we look over some Michigan tape.  The game is in a week so I think we have enough time to drive everywhere." he tells me.  Luckily I don't think I will miss anything.  I can always just ask somebody for the notes.

        "That's fine.  I can't wait!  What should we do for the rest of the day?"  I ask him.

        "Let's go shopping.  I need new clothes for this trip and I'm sure you do too."  He says and before I can protest says, '' I'm paying."  and pulls me to the car.

        I could get used to this.  Luke is either making me try on or buy everything I either touch or look at with the 'magic' look.  Apparantly when I really like something I get this determined look on my face and he knows it's something I really like or want to buy.  Evidently he ends up buying it after I try it on, saying that 'if a girl looks at something like that she should get it'.  After this shopping trip I just have a feeling I will like him even more.  Finally we go into a store Luke likes.

        "Try on anything.  You looked at everything I tried on and never complained so I won't either."  I say searching the store for something I think will look good on Luke.  Everything here is so plain in the section Luke is currently looking in.  I love Under Armour, but the stuff he is looking at isn't that great.  All the shirts are super plain and one color, something I hate, they even have a small UA symbol. 

        "Why are you buying these boring shirts?  They are all one color only."  I ask him looking at him like he's crazy.

        "Well if you had to know, I need a new shirt to put under my jersey.  So I was looking at these."  Luke tells me pointing at the tight fitting shirts.  I bet he would look so hot in those shirts.  His chistled abs showing through the thin stretchy matterial.  God!  I need to get these thoughts out of my head!

        Finally!  I see the perfect shirt!  It is camo in the same matterial and fit.  It's perfect for Luke!  The UA symbol is even in one of our school's colors yellow!  I run over to it grabbing it off the hanger in Luke's size.  Walking over to him I say, "Try this one on."  Not letting him say no as an answer!

        "Umm... Okay?"  Luke replies with a questioning look on his face. 

        After he comes out of the dressing room with the shirt on, I know instantly it's the one he should get!  It looks perfect on him!  I can't wait until he wears it at his games!  Luke even has a smile on his face which tells me he likes it too.  This should really be the opposite with me trying on something Luke picked out and him buying it for me, but we did that all day so I want to get this for him and for him to have his little moment.  Besides, I want Luke to think of me when he puts it on and wears it at every game.

        "I'm getting it for you!"  I declare.  "Take it off and wait for me outside."  I tell him and he walks back inside the dressing room not wanting to argue with me. 

         When he comes out I hand him all of my bags and grab the shirt.  "You don't have to buy that for me, Peyt."  He says.  "I am perfectly capable for paying for my own stuff."  He says.

        "I know, but you bought all of this for me and I want to pay you back in some way.  Plus you will always think of me when you put this on before a game."  he comes up and hugs me.  "Peyton, you are what I think of constantly.  Especially before I play.  You are the only thing that keeps me sane!"  He says looking deep into my eyes.  I feel like awweeing, but that would be weird.

        "Thanks Luke!"  I whisper and walk away with a blush on my cheeks and pay for his shirt.

        After walking into a few more stores, we decide to eat some pizza and call it a night.  Luke drops me off at my dorm and tells me to be ready by 6:00 sharp in two days.

        Two days go by and I am fully packed and ready to go on this trip.  We didn't tell anyone about us yet and are only telling people that we are going on a roadtrip with some friends, but not telling who the friends are.  Luke and I haven't really even seen each other the last couple of days because of heavy practicing for him which I went to some, but had to leave early to study, or just not having enough time.  Luke had to do extra homework because of the trip and the game.  He will miss about a week, which is a lot in college.  We still text each other though.  Luke mostly texting me cute, funny things like 'in the library wishing you were here' or 'i can't sleep without dreaming of you'  i love those texts though! 

        At exactly 6 AM I hear Luke pull up and grab my bags running outside.  Luke grabs my things putting them in the back of his truck and picks me up wrapping my legs around his hips for support and kisses me.  He kisses me like it's the last time we will ever see each other.  Finally he releases me and lets me go onto the ground.  I feel myself step on something, it's a pregnancy test! 

        "Ewwwww!"  I yell and Luke looks down and starts to laugh after seeing what I stepped on.  Jerk!  He would be probably sanitizing his foot if it was him!

        "I was wondering why I could hear a girl crying outside last night!"  I say triumpfantly!

        "Alright!  Come on!  We are burning daylight Peyt."  He says and we both get in the car and start our roadtrip!


Hope everyone liked this chapter!  I had some trouble with writers block since i haven't written in a week.  anywho i have a ton of plans for this story and am just trying to get the ball rolling there to those important events!


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