Chapter 7: Going to California But A Little Flight Issue

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In this pic Chris and Jonny are going to go to their second house up in California.

Jonny's and Chris's POV

I'm in bed right now it's 7am and me and Chris are going back to California to our other house for a while because it's been a while since we were their. I'm not a fan of flying but Chris likes to. I hear Chris's voice so I'm going to go in the living room. Hello my love how was the store today? It was ok but some people were being shit heads. People kept running into me in the store and not even saying sorry so I started getting annoyed but I didn't want to cause anything. It's good that you didn't Chris do you want to sit down and relax with me? Yes I do Jay. I love you Chris come lay on my stomach and I'll calm you. That's very sweet Jay thank you.

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Its 10 am and Chris and Jonny get ready to go to their other house in California. They get their things ready and they leave their England house and drive to the airport and wait to go on the plane. Chris and Jonny get on the plane and people get excited that Chris Martin and Jonny Buckland are on a plane with them but him and Jonny tell them to relax and not to freak out and the other people sit down. They sit down and him and Jonny get comfortable. Chris that was close but it's good that you stopped it. Yeah I know I'm happy I did. The plane begins to take off and Jonny begins to feel weird.

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Jay you good? No not really! Jay your sweating do you want something cold? Yes I do Chris badly. Thank you Chris. You want to lay your head on me? Yes I would like that thank you so much honey. I forgot you didn't like flying Jay. It's all good Chris don't worry. Chris kisses Jay on the cheek and they both cuddle up next to each other. I love you Chris! I love you too Jay. The flight is 11 hours so they have enough time to nap. Whenever Jonny cuddles with Chris he loves his nice smell of lotion. Two hours passes by and they wake up. That was a nice nap I needed it Chris! I'm happy you enjoyed that nap. Chris I noticed while we were napping I smelled a really nice lotion on you it had a very nice smell. I got that from the store it's a coconut lotion do you want a little Jay? Yes I do thank you Chris. Chris gives a little bit of the lotion to Jonny and he puts a little bit on and they have a little kissing moment. No one notices anything while Chris and Jonny are kissing and that's how Chris and Jonny like it.

This was a very calming chapter and I hope you enjoyed it and liked the little Buckin moments while on the plane.

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