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Richards' POV

My father asked me to do a random visit to the hospital on his behalf since he's out of the country to attend a wedding. We do random visits to keep our employees on their toes. As I was parking at my designated parking space when three ambulances came to a halt right outside the emergency room. I found out that the driver was already dead on arrival while the other two, both women, were being revived. I was already finished with my rounds when I saw a lady crying while talking to the doctor.

"I don't want to be the bearer of bad news Ms Mendoza, but your step father died on his way here in the hospital. Your mother and sister are both in critical condition right now. They need to stay in the ICU... Please fill up these forms for us, this is for your mother and sister. "

"Paging Dr Lukyanova, you are needed at the emergency room"

"Ms Mendoza, I would like to stay with you longer, but I need to attend to a patient at the emergency room. I'll see you again later, ok?"

I can see that she's still crying and is hesitant to let the doctor go... "I got her doctor, I'll keep her company. " I immediately went to her side, but she didn't look up or glance at me.

"Mr Faulkerson, glad you're here. Please stay with Ms Mendoza while I go to the emergency room if you dont mind. She's got no one right now. Please excuse me."

Ms Mendoza just nodded with downcast eyes and flowing tears. I tried to comfort her by drawing her close to me for a hug and she let me. I felt sorry for her. She's at the brink of losing her family. She just cried on my chest for a while and my heart felt heavy for her. My shirt is all wet with her tears when a friend of hers came.

"Maine! I came as soon as I heard!... " her friends' panting and breathing heavily. She stopped in front of us catching her breath.

The lady in my arms spun around as soon as she heard her, "Janeev! Thank God you're here!" Fresh tears continued to flow.

"Hush now, Maine. I'm here, you have me". She hugged her from then on.

"Hi, sorry for the bother. Thank you for comforting my friend", Janeev thanked Richard.

"No worries, its totally fine with me". I looked at maine and her friend hugging each other for a few more seconds before I turned around and walked away.

"Thank you for keeping me company. Sorry I ruined your shirt", Maine said behind me. I stopped. I didn't turn around anymore coz I couldn't bear seeing her like that. I didn't even see her face clearly.

"Anytime, princess".

I just walked away. I can't understand why my heart was breaking seeing her cry. I don't even know her, but I will. The advantage of being an heir to a huge hospital in St Petersburg. I went to the admitting department and dropped an order to the head of the office.

"What brings you here in the admitting office, Mr Faulkerson?"

"Sam, nice seeing you again. I need all the records of the three patients that came in the hospital three hours ago. The family of three that got involved into a car accident. I need all the records and updates sent to my email. Got it? "

"You know we're not supposed to disclose those information, right? ", Sam eyed him skeptically.

"Just do it".

"Ok boss, count on it".

"Sure, i will".


Richard already arrived home but he can't seem to take Maine off his mind the whole time since he held her in his arms. There's something about her that captivates him even if he hasn't really seen her face clearly. There's that undeniable need to protect her, to comfort her... And wanting her by his side. She clouded his head until the wee hours of the morning until he finally drifted to sleep.

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