Obligatory Flashback

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I fell into a deep sleep. I thought about when I first met her. On 7th street I own and run a coffee shop. We're cheaper than Starbucks and closer to the university. I named it appropriately, "Broke College Student's Coffee." You get a medium coffee for a dollar and a glazed donut for fifty cents.

The first time she came in she was wearing her sunflower dress. It's always fitted her awkwardly. Too loose in the bust region, and too short on her legs. She was wearing it with a white turtleneck underneath and some black leggings. I remember her face very distinctly that day. She looked energetic with her eyes wide and her cheeks flushed by the cold. Not to mention her lips were blue.

"What shade is that?" I asked as she approached.

"Um, cotton candy." She giggled. She sounded so childlike. I started to back-off, I didn't want to be that guy who hits on high schoolers.

"What can I get you?" I asked her politely.

"I need change for this and an apple cider, I hear you offer discounts for students?" She handed me a Benjamin.

"Only college students." I told her as I gave her five twenties.

"Here's my ID."

Sure, enough she was attending the university, and according to the card she was born a few months before me. "Sorry, I thought you were younger." I remarked.

"It's fine I get that a lot." She said as she gave me one of the twenties for the cider, which due to her ID was now a dollar instead of two. As I made her the cider she went to talk to a little boy who had been waiting by the door.

"Okay buddy, this 10 is for you, okay?" She smiled as she handed the boy some money. He hugged her in response. "We'll spend it at the festival, so they can't steal it."

She came back to the counter for the cider. "Is that kid yours?"

"Kinda." She grinned.

"In that case..." I gave her an extra cider.

"Oh, thanks how much will it be?" She asked as she stared at me. I looked into her eyes and felt sucked into them.

"On the house." I murmured listlessly. I was barely aware that words were escaping my mouth.

"Really?" She seemed confused.

"Yep." I said as I leaned on the counter to keep myself from diving at her. I had the urge to jump on her and sniff her hair and touch her everywhere.

"Thank you so much."

"Don't mention it." I said as I handed her the cup. Our hands touched and I pulled away suddenly.

She didn't notice. "Good bye!" She gave the small child the cider. I stood there in disbelief for a few moments. I didn't know what I was feeling. My heart was beating so fast, my body seemed to focus all movement on the veins in my hand where she had touched me. A few minutes later I got one of my underlings to cover for me and began searching for her.

She was with the kid at a food stand, with the small boy propped on her shoulder. I could tell he was heavy but she wasn't going to complain. "One BBQ nacho please," The kid shouted to the vendor from her shoulders.

"BBQ is yummy." She agreed.

I kept my distance. I didn't want to come off as a weirdo. They went on several rides together and as I watched her move, heard her voice, and felt her unbridled happiness, I fell more in love. Everyone says that their love has a beautiful smile, I'll admit my love has an awkward smile that isn't always picturesque but it's in the way she smiles that I love most.

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