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Week 6

I was going to have company over. In the days coming I made this clear to Lorelei.

"Can I meet them?"



"I don't trust you to not alert them of your situation." I hissed slightly annoyed that I had to repeat this fact to her again.

"But I didn't leave you on that date, I was unshackled." She pointed out.

"You were drunk and woke up on top of me for some reason." I mused. "And you had taken off your dress too, and you weren't wearing a bra!"

"It was hot."

"You also removed my shirt!" I hissed, getting red after remembering that night.

"No, you removed your own shirt and your pants." She argued.

"No... my pants were still on."

"They were around your ankles!" She quipped.

"That's besides the point...I don't trust you."

"Fine, I'll just stay in my room then." She conceded.

"That isn't enough." I responded in a menacingly tone.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"I'm going to have to drug you, but it won't be chloroform, it'll be something weaker that will last less time, since chloroform seems to take almost a full day to wear off." I sighed as I removed a syringe from the cabinet.

She moved away from me. "Get it, away!" She shrieked at me.

"Sorry, my love but I promise it won't hurt." I said soothingly. "Just a small prick."

"I'm warning you, Gray, get the.....away from me now!" She shouted sternly. Her eyes looked terrified and crazed. The emotion behind them almost scared me.

"My love, it'll be fine." I said as I moved in on her.

"Get away! I'm begging you, Gray!" She screamed, now crying.

"It's just a small pinch...what is wrong with you?" I shouted back at her.

"If you don't get it away from me....." She said grabbing a big book from the nightstand.

"My love?" I asked still approaching her with the syringe. This was a mistake. She threw the book at me. It hit me hard in the head but I didn't falter.

"What the fuck!" I growled as I charged at her with the syringe. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" I grabbed her arm roughly.  She grabbed the wooden TV tray and smacked me with it hard in the gut before proceeding to smash my hand causing me to let go of the syringe. The syringe rolled across the floor and Lorelei chased after it. I was in a daze for a moment as I watched her from the floor, but I don't doubt what I saw. Lorelei was pulverizing the syringe until it was little more than a pile of glass and liquid on the floor.

She was breathing heavily like a wild animal that was fighting to survive. The TV tray had been cracked to the point where it was now sharp. Her attention turned back to me as she held the tray like a weapon. I had no doubt she could kill me with that thing. Slowly, I got up, huffing in pain. She looked wearily at me, as if assessing what I would do next.

The doorbell rang. She moved away from the door as I moved towards it. "Go." She commanded as she continued to hold the sharpened tray. I watched her sit on the bed at the ready.

I locked the door behind me and answered it to my friends. They were surprised. "Gray? What happened?" They asked taking in my bloody hand and scraped head.

"Oh... I got into a fight with an animal." I answered, truth be told it wasn't a lie. What was that?

The entire social gathering I waited for Lorelei to make her presence known...but she remained silent. Afterwards I went to check on her. She was still sitting there, stone faced with now several sharp objects surrounding her.

"Lorelei?" I asked but deep down I knew this wasn't Lorelei.

"You will not sleep here." She hissed.

"Are you telling me where to sleep in my own house?" I snapped back.

"Unchain me and I will happily leave." She snarled.

"Why did you hurt me?" I asked menacingly as I came towards her but she was ready. "And I'm never letting you go no matter how many tantrums you throw."

"Tantrums? Why are you so stupid?" She insulted me. "I thought you said you had been watching me and that you know everything about me."

"I do."

"No, apparently you don't or you don't care." She growled her face contorting slightly as she took a step towards me. Lorelei was a different person. Her body was trembling but she was planted. It was like she was ready for a last stand fight against me. I didn't understand why she feared for her life. I could never kill her no matter how much she hurt me. Yet there she was, poised and ready to kill me.

I was becoming scared of her. "What are you talking about?"

"You know I hate needles." She hissed with a soul piercing glare.

I sighed wanting to hit myself over the head. She had trypanophobia, didn't she. How did I not notice? She told me during flu season that she wouldn't get the flu vaccine unless it was the spray. She told me once that she hated toothpicks and could never get a tattoo. "Needles scare me." I remembered those words.  I felt so stupid, inconsiderate, and vile. 

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry, I forgot!" I pleaded as I got down on my knees.

"What other important things have you forgotten about me?" She asked menacingly. "Are you going to put out cigars on me next?"

"No, I would never!" I cried. "I would never do something to hurt you."

"But you did! I warned you! I begged you to stop and you didn't care. I was scared and screaming and you didn't care." She screamed with not a trace of forgiveness.

"How can I make this up to you? Please, tell me, I'll do anything." I was so frantic for her to like me again just like she had a few hours ago. A few hours ago she was sitting in my lap as she ate breakfast. She kissed my cheek during lunch. Everything was going so well. Why did I ruin things so easily? My flower, I had made her wilt even in this loving garden. I sprayed her with poison and now she didn't stand tall or bloom for me anymore. Instead she stood hunched and ready to kill or be killed.

"SLEEP SOMEWHERE ELSE!" She stated again angrily, now shaking violently. "Get away from me!"

"I... I will." I conceded as I left the room.

UnexpectedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora