Girls Rule

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After dealing with Valentines in Soul Society, Rukia felt very glad to return to the world of the living, having completely forgotten that things were likely to be just the same in the level of craziness, especially when it came to Ichigo's family.

The first thing that happened when Rukia arrived at the house was Yuzu giving her chocolate, with a sweet, rather naïve smile on her face. The next thing she knew, she found herself being hauled up to Ichigo's room, where she found various sized boxes for the shingami who had pretended to be students at the high school.

"More deliveries for those in Soul Society?" Rukia let out an exhausted groan.

"Don't worry… really only the guys got things… and Rangiku. Be forewarned not to eat Orihime's chocolate. It was bad enough she put peas and lentils in hers, she also stick them in everyone's shoe… and so now I have chocolate all over the inside of my school shoes, and on my sock too."

"Eww… at least that's the only bad thing that happened," Rukia smiled, a tad green.

"Is it? My sister Karin actually made her chocolate this year." Ichigo stated. When Rukia tried to protest this actually being a bad thing, he held up his hand. "Before you call me paranoid, Yuzu told me it was so Karin could give a certain boy homemade chocolate and so no one would think other wise."

"Please tell me you're not wanting to beat this guy up?" Rukia narrowed her eyes at the substitute shingami.

"What… no, where'd you get that idea from?"

"From the fact you said what just about every older brother says when they think their little sister has a crush on someone," Rukia protested.

"Well, what if she beats the guy up because he doesn't return the feelings, or doesn't give her a White Day gift back?" Ichigo frowned. "Tell me what I should do then."

"Ehh…" Rukia's eyes went wide with shock.

"Or what if the old man finds out and starts stalking the kid? If Karin's attitude doesn't scare him away, that will!" Ichigo muttered, only to have Rukia bust out laughing. "This isn't funny!"

"Nee-san! You're home!" Kon came running into the room dressed in a pink outfit with red hearts, causing Ichigo to start laughing too.

"Hey, Kon… can you find out who my sister has a crush on?"

"Yuzu has a crush on someone? I'll rip them to shreds… uhh… without killing them!" the lion doll blurted out. Yet another person on the list not to tell.

"Isn't this kind of a girl matter?" Rukia suddenly sat up, having finished laughing. "I'll go talk to her."

"And you'll tell me if you find out who?" Ichigo gave her a hopeful look.

"No… I'll handled the situation," Rukia waved at them and hurried to the two girls' room. She knocked on the door and let herself in. "Hey, can we talk?"

Karin suddenly spun around in her chair. "So… did you give Toshiro the chocolate for me?"

Yuzu's ears perked up. "Why would you need Rukia-nii-chan to give him the chocolate?"

"Because I would be more likely to see him today," Rukia smiled.

"So… did he like it?" Karin asked, twirling her pencil in her fingers.

"Yeah, he actually did," Rukia changed the direction of the conversation. "If he were to give you a white day gift…"

"He wouldn't have to, and I really don't care," a look of confusion was on her face. "Please tell me he didn't ask you to ask me?"

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