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The tension between the lieutenant and the captain remained. That night, Rangiku tried giving him the teddy bear again. However, she found problems with the fact the returned it yet again. Thus, it came as no surprise, that she wasn't speaking with him still the next day.

The good part was, when it dealt with asking her to hand him a piece of paperwork, she would silently do it. However, when he asked her a question, she would write it on a piece of paper. Instead of setting it on his desk, she would fly it over as a paper airplane, and some planes even told him to check previous planes, and that she was still angry with him.

Finally, he got fed up with the whole mess, and walked out before he started yelling at her, or worse… blurted out the truth of why he had acted so oddly. Sure, it might actually solve his problems, but the fact of the matter was, things were complicated, and the last thing he needed was her nose in his business, embarrassing him even more.

He was passing by the eighth division, when he heard an argument start off between Kyoraku taicho and Nanao fukutaicho. For some reason, he found himself drawn to the division, and he stuck his head around the corner. This was just in time, to see the older taicho step out of his office, one of those silly smiles on his face, meaning he had lost yet another battle of wits with Nanao.

He turned his head, just in time to see the small, white haired taicho peeking at the fiasco. "Hitsugaya Taicho… come here… I would like to speak with you!" This was said with a rather weird smile.

"About what?" As all ways, Toshiro's lack of rein on his curiosity got the better of him, and he approached the man. "Do I really want to know what perverted thoughts you are thinking?"

"I would like to know, what kind of perverted thoughts you were thinking of the other day, that got you in trouble with Matsumoto of all people," the man gave a soft chuckle.

"What the hell are you talking about?" the small taicho was somewhat miffed.

"Oh… come on… your just growing up Hitsugaya-kun! Matsumoto ranted about it at the Woman's Society meeting," the old man laughed.

Toshiro was about to lose it, when the fukutaicho of the eighth came out and whacked her taicho on the head. "You need to get back to work… ehh… Hitsugaya Taicho?"

"We were just talking…" Kyoraku stated, only to have Nanao hit him again and for her to grab the small taicho by the ear.

"Not if I can help it! I'm going to fix whatever damage your influence of over thirty years has caused," Nanao stated, dragging the small boy after her, forcing him to sit on the mat in front of her floor desk.

"How did he find out… does all of soul society know Matsumoto's mad at me?" Toshiro stated rather irritably.

"No, I was taking him to task for being such a bad influence on you," Nanao stated.

"Well, I doubt he'll keep it secret. It's bad enough that Matsumoto isn't speaking to me. I was able to get it through her head yesterday that wasting other division members time was a bad idea, and now she's using paper airplanes…"

"I'll… speak to her about… her behavior. Right now, I wish to speak to you about your behavior. These perverted thoughts you had…"

"Matsumoto only thinks I did… but then, she might be right. I guess… they… could be construed as perverted," the boy sighed.

"What exactly were you thinking…" Nanao couldn't help but narrow her eyes at the boy.

"I was…" Two teal eyes darted up to the ceiling.

"Out with it…"

"You promise not to tell Matsumoto?" the small taicho gave her a weak smile. "She'll be in fits of laughter if she finds out…"

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