An Abbysmal Paradox

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Mika's Note: Oh man, I gotta finish DUSK soon... mind being overtaken by another story idea...

Marine: *looks at me before kicking me* Get off your lazy butt!

OW! OK, geez, here's the next chapter. NOW LEAVE ME ALOOONE! *runs away waving my arms in a squiggly manner*

Cheren: Ever noticed she looks like an Adventure Time character when she does that?


Aurora: Sorry.

Chapter 2: An Abbysmal Paradox

Back to the past

Rachel watched in awe as Haylee scrambled over to the top of the time machine, fiddling with a few wires. Harry was adjusting the panel of numbers on the side, while Artie was testing out the zappers. He was zapped repeatedly by Harry, who snickered.

"Wow. They take after Numbuh 2, don't they?" Nigel commented, sitting beside her. "They're like him, but split into three."

Rachel nodded, but silently, she thought, That's because they're his children in the future. Inventors like him.

"Oh no!" Haylee cried out suddenly, dropping her wrench on Harry's toes.

Harry yelped out in pain, while Artie laughed, shouting, "KARMA! KARMA! KARMA!"

"What is it?" Rachel asked.

Artie looked at what his sister was working on before exclaiming, "We don't have Time Dust!"

"Time Dust?" Everyone except for the future kids echoed. "What's that?"

Haylee explained, "Time Dust is what keeps this baby going. In the future, you could find Time Dust anywhere near a few timebenders. Anyone know any timebenders?"

"Ooh!" Hoagie waved his hand. "Isn't that Jagar kid some kinda timebender?"

"Yes, Hoagie, but let me explain: it has to be from two timebenders who are kids, and who can cast Time Skip. Once they cast that, it would produce Time Dust as a result, and then we'd be able to fuel the machine."

"How is that even possible?" Fanny asked skeptically.

The youngest Gilligan triplet shrugged. "I dunno. It was Rhilliane who researched that, not me."

"Who's Rhilliane?" Wally asked.

Haylee nearly thudded her head against the unfinished time machine. "Rhilliane is the daughter of- MMPH!" She was cut short when Dillon's shadow, Mario, floated up to her and covered her mouth.

She struggled as Dillon said, "Like she said, Rhilliane is the daughter of two people who are both twins. Enough said." He glared at Haylee, who immediately fell silent.

"So, basically we have to look for two kid timebenders?" Nigel summarized.

Sheila descended down from the ceiling of the Moonbase and said, "Pretty much, ya."

"Oh, I know!" Haylee perked up. "Instead of two timebenders, we COULD fly up to Planet Secco, in Galaxia, and look around the Ancient Wastelands! There's a bunch of Timeshift Stones there, and THAT means there's probably some Time Dust buried! Of course, we'd need an earthbender or something to dig that place up."

"Great." Abby face-palmed at Haylee's random explanation. "Now how do you suppose we find 'em? Abby's pretty sure you won't see any earthbenders or timebenders just walkin' around in public!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2018 ⏰

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