Psycho Bitch

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Did you guys miss me? I was thinking about doing a second update today, if I get some good feedback. Enjoy!

We slowly untangled from our embrace, and I felt heat rush to my cheeks. Vanessa giggled and pushed off of the counter, grabbing my hand as she began to walk towards the staircase. "We should both change, Jaime will want to see us both before the day is done, and I highly doubt Carmen will be leaving her bedroom."

I followed her up the stairs, pausing at the top when I heard something heavy hit against the wall to my right.

"Fuck you, Ryan Sitkowski!" My eyes grew wide. Something sounded like glass shattering.

Vanessa tugged on my hand, and I kept walking, albeit hesitantly.

"Should I be concerned?"

The grin on the much taller she wolf's face was sinister. "Not for Carmen, dear, my sister knows exactly how to get what she wants. Pregnant or otherwise." Her face contorted ever so slightly when she spoke the word 'pregnant.'

I frowned and followed closer behind her. Her body was radiating some sort of heat. It was nice.

We entered what I gathered was Carmen's designated sewing room, and Vanessa pointed to the desk by the window. "Let me make you pretty."

I laughed and rolled my eyes a little, sitting cross-legged on top of the desk to watch her rifle through her sister's things. "You're so tiny, Selene, I'm jealous." She mumbled, getting on her knees and pushing up the sleeves of her cardigan as she began to pull out different articles of clothing.

Something flashed in her eyes, and she paused what she was doing.

"Come here, Selene." I raised my eyebrows, but joined her on the floor by the bins of clothes regardless. She reached for my hands, a caring smile on her face. "Pick out something for me? We can be each other's dress up dolls, yeah?" "

It was such a motherly gesture, something that I was shocked to have come from the lips that had previously been nursing from a bottle of tequila and calling it breakfast. So, despite my lack of fashion skills, I nodded and began to pick out an outfit.

Vanessa didn't look like she wore anything outside of her rainbow of black, but Carmen's clothing tailored to fit that aesthetic.

"What size are you?" I can't pretend like the question wasn't a little bit awkward, in any situation, but the tension it created in that moment made bile rise in my throat.

"I've put on some weight, recently, so probably a large. I'm really not sure." The amount of thought she was putting into figuring out her own size was starting to draw red flags in my mind, so I decided to try and guess.

"I'll be right back" She excused herself, and I took that moment of solitude to attempt to reach out to another wolf.

"What's the matter, little mate?"

I sighed, feeling comforted by the presence of his voice in my mind. "Do you know what's wrong with Vanessa?"

I stared at the door she had fled through, hoping that she had only gone to the bathroom. I was quickly becoming worried. This was the Luna of Mike's pack.

"It would be better for us to speak face to face." I nodded. "Finish getting dressed and I'll meet you at the pack house. Vanessa can have some time with Mike and we can discuss some things."

I laid out a pair of studded leather pants. "Thank you, Chris." The sound of his low laughter rumbling through my mind made me smile a little.

"Of course, little mate." I thought our conversation had ended, so I went back to focusing on the clothes in an attempt to decipher Vanessa's personal fashion taste. "I'd rather see your tight little ass in those pants."

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