44 ; Real life + Instagram

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A/n im back and I think we all know whats gonna happen in this chapter. 



"I don't know If I can do this mate," I say, my heart-beating a million miles a minute, "what if she says no?"

"Oh mate pull yourself together. You love her CLEARLY. She loves you, and this is going to happen. I know. Ive had to sit here while I'm SINGLE and watch you guys be the cutest superhero couple of all time. She'll say yes," Harrison answers. 

"Okay," I answer, finishing the decorations inside. Harrison's phone starting ringing, so he picked it up, answered it.

"Okay thanks for telling me, yeah we'll let you know how it goes. Okay bye." He says as he hangs up. 

"Who was that?"

"The movie theater called, Charlotte just got there. She's on her way here so get ready," He says, walking outside like we planned. 

15 minutes later I hear a car pull up, and Harrison says, "he's inside!" I take deep breathes, nervous of what I'm about to do. The front door clicks open as I see my beautiful, tall, blonde girlfriend walk in. She gasps as she looks at the decorations, and me in a suit.

"Tom.." is all she says before I start the words I practiced over and over.

"Charlotte, please just listen for a second. Ever since I first talked to you on Instagram, I knew we would be together. I loved your energy, your passion. I was going through a tough time at that moment and you gave me hope. That first day I saw you at the airport, my heart stopped. You, Charlotte, are gorgeous, smart, charming, funny and so much more. It had been my blessing to be with you and I thank god I get to have you everyday. I want to spend the rest of my life with you Charlotte. So I need to ask this question, and answer with what your heart says..." I get down on one knee, "will you marry me?"

Charlottes POV

"Will you marry me."

At this point, I didn't remember the cheesy clues, the cute decorations, or Harrison who had come in and recorded that whole thing. All I could focus on, was my handsome boyfriend.

"I want to spend the rest of my life with you too.." my heart was practically out of my chest at this point, "yes."

I watch as he starts crying and runs over and hugs me, putting the ring on my finger.


charlotte Future Mrs

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charlotte Future Mrs. Holland ;)

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