6. Maybe a help?

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6. Maybe a help?

In the infirmary room

Daphne was being checked upon and Ofelia examined her.

Few minutes went on and Ofelia was quite shocked and happy about Daphne progress.

&Daphne, I don't know if this is TRUE or anything but, this might make you and Bloom very happy even your family.& Ofelia said smiling while putting her stuff back.

&That I am sick?& Daphne asked complete stupid looking at Ofelia storing her stuff

&Your not sick dear.&

&Not sick, I am having cramps and feeling weird. How can't that be sick?& Daphne asked worried

&Well, you and Thoren did decided on this together so, creating life is really amazing.& Ofelia said and Daphne mouth full open from shock

&You mean?& She said excited

&Honey, your 2 healthy months pregnant.& Ofelia replied smiling

&I am? I can't wait to tell Thoren. Daphne yelled happily standing up as something hit her &Wait Bloom, what about her, with all this that is happening.& Daphne replied feeling her happiness fall apart

&Bloom is in great hands, and you helped her she moved and this can help her more.& Ofelia replied with a smile

&Yet, she is leaving. She wound be able to see my child? Or grow older with it? Or any of those.& Daphne replied feeling her hope fail.

&You and they can also go and visit anytime. So Bloom wound miss much, I think.& Ofelia replied feeling terrible by saying that.

&May I tell Bloom? It will means very much to me?& Daphne asked hoping.

&Of course dear, you can tell her when she wakes up, she is already getting better.&

&Thank you.& Daphne replied smiling

&Welcome, come and see me when you are in need of something.& Ofelia replied smiling walking to the door, as Daphne follow with a smile

As they both walked out, Daphne headed back while Ofelia to her office.

As the day past, the girls and Spesalist came and visit, Bloom was still sleeping but, they were happy se is getting better but, the fought of her leaving wasn't that much trilling.

As the day went to and end. Daphne decided to pop in and look at her sister, she want to tell her first before telling her parents and so on.

When she walked in, Ofelia wasn't there but, she decided to head in, when she entered Bloom were still sleeping but, Daphne decided to sit next to Bloom and smiled down at her.

Daphne Pov

As I look down at my sister,  I began to feel how it will feel without her living near me, it felt empty and if everything is impossible she is my only sister and now, she is leaving without staying, can this be by fault my fault for giving her the flame or was this her destiny and leaving me, us?

How will I aspect this in life, how can I tell her she will be an aunt without being near me.

&How can I do this to her?& Daphne fought crying

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