7. Maybe just maybe?

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7. Maybe just maybe?

In the Infirmary with Bloom

Bloom slowly woke up, and saw Daphne sitting by her wiping her eyes.

&Daphne, are you okay?& Bloom asked looking at her worried

&Bloom, you're awake?& Daphne said making a fake smile

&Yes, what's wrong, you ussally don't cry. I am fine, I kinda feel better? Don't know why so fast?& Bloom said looking at her hands

Daphne giggled &I healed you last night, Ofelia said you are getting better. You moved. How do you feel?& Daphne asked smiling

&Thank you, and quite better. & Bloom said smiling and standing slowly up.

&Bloom, are you strong enough to maybe go to the garden, I need to tell you something?&

&Yes, why the gardens?&

&Its for a better view and something to think about, I know you like it.&

&That's true. Let's go.& Bloom replied smiling as they both walked out.

When they arrived at the garden they both got an area to sit.

&I love this area so much.& Bloom replied feeling lost

&Yeah, this is the place you always love to come and get your head clean.&

&Yeah, I will miss this place so much.&

&I know you will. Bloom, I am sorry.& Daphne said and crossed her arms against her legs.

&For what are you sorry for this isn't your fault.& Bloom replied feeling confused and worried

&Bloom, I passed the power onto you, it is my fault and now your leaving and I am sorry, I didn't know this would happen and now, your suffering from me.& Daphne said as tears run down her cheek Bloom look at her sister and tears came storming down her cheek as well.

&Hey, its not your fault. I use to get it as a baby as well, this might be my last and second chance. I may not like leaving but, you can always come and visit even know I can't but, you all can. And that is all that matters.& Bloom replied as tears escape her eyes she wasn't happy but, its her life now and its the only way. She can't change it.

&Bloom, I have to tell you something.& Daphne said looking down at her non showing womb

&What is it?& Bloom asked smiling looking at her sister

&Bloom, I am currently 2 months pregnant.& Daphne said and look at Bloom who's eyes widend and smiled huge.

&What! Really?& Bloom yelled hugging her

&You're happy for me?& Daphne asked shocked

&Yes, why wound I be?& Bloom asked confused

&Your leaving and you may not see...& Daphne tried to say but, couldn't continue

&I know but, you can still visit, I can't wait to see my little newfew or niece.& Bloom replied putting a sad smile, she can't show her sister her disappointment, she have to be happy.

&I am so sorry.& Daphne replied as tears run down her eyes, she couldn't take it anymore.

&Its not your fault. Please don't blame yourself. Go and tell mom and dad. They will be so happy.&

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