chapter 1

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I sat dangerously close to the edge of the fire filled lake, examining my blade. I stared at it in disbelief. Could I have really killed people with it? None of it seemed real, not the fight, not the deaths, not the bloodshed. I couldn’t have killed Forgotten, it wasn’t possible. I couldn’t had been in a war, I couldn’t have. Fourteen year old girls didn’t go to war. Then again they didn’t have their dad killed by faeries, their mum kidnapped by faeries nor did they fall in love with faeries. I sighed gazing out over the lake, the Molten Pool it was called. I had been in a fight and I had the scars to prove it. Although they haven’t technically scared yet but I’m sure they will. I carefully peeled back my sleeve and examined the angry red cuts running down my forearm. As I had plunged my blade into the stomach of one of the forgotten it had thrown it arms out in a last, desperate attempt to kill me. I had flung myself to the side, avoiding serious injury. The army was resting in the tunnels underneath the Iron Kingdom, an army that somehow I had become a part of. While the Iron Palace was massive, it was not large enough to contain the whole of the Queens army and the rest of the Iron fey. Therefore the badly wounded, and those who lived near the edge of the iron realm, as they could be at risk of an attack at any moment if they lived to near the edge, were staying in the palace, and the rest of us were sent into the tunnels underground. It was like a rabbits warren down there but Meghan managed to get everyone down there and safe without getting lost even once. We now had to stay here and wait for further orders. 

“Hey.” Someone said softly interrupting my thoughts. Keirran came and sat down beside me. “You’re not hot?” He asked, gesturing towards the lava filled lake that we were sat so near to. I shrugged.

“A bit.” I said, my face lacking emotion.

“Whats up? You seem a bit…. I don’t know, it looks like you’ve given up.”

I rocked back on my heels, fighting the tears filling my eyes. “Mums probably dead, I’m fighting in a faery war and the Iron Queen blames me for dragging her son and brother off on a suicide mission! And you have the nerve to ask me what’s wrong!” I practically screamed at him.

“Mom doesn’t blame you for what happened. It was my fault all of it. I was the one who managed to get Ethan to come, I was the one in charge, I was the one who was supposed to be looking out for you, and I am the one with the magic! If mom blames anyone it’s me. And we have no idea where your mum is but mom is trying to find out and we doubt they would have killed her or they would have let us know about it. Okay?” I stared at him for a moment, before swallowing and turning to face the Molten pool again.

“I just need some time on my own Keirran.” He got up without anther word and left me to my morbid thoughts. 

So, this is goodbye (An iron fey fan fiction) book 3Where stories live. Discover now