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Savannas POV

When I was back at school, I made my way to the lacrosse field where the scrimmage was being held.I spotted Scott&Stiles and ran up to them.

"Hey guys" I said way to cheerfully which only caused them to give me weird looks.

"Hey, where were you? Mason said you weren't in any of your classes since period 3?" Stiles asked me.

Oh God, what am I suppose to tell them? 'oh yeah I went to your friend Derek's loft and I vandalized his loft door' yeah that'd end well.Not.

"umm well you see I may or may not have went to Derek's loft and I may or may not have vandalized his loft door"I let out a breath I didnt know I had been holding in.

"YOU WHAT??" Scott and Stiles said in unison.

"Yeah" I said scratching the back of my neck.

They were about to say something else but I was saved by coaches whistle.

"Mcall,Stilinski get over here now" coach yelled.I walked up to the bleachers and sat on the hard metal seat. I swear coach doesn't stop shouting. Sometimes I wonder how his wife puts up with him.Does he know the phrase silence is golden? probably not, he doesn't even know what silence is.ha ha ha im so funny, no seriously though I should be a comedian.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a sickening crunch. My eyes darted around the field until they landed on a all too familiar face. Liam. I gasped and rushed to the field. I ran to Scott.

"Scott what did you do?! Coach he needs to go to the nurse! we will take him."I said gesturing to me,stiles and Scott. I ran ahead to Stiles jeep while Scott&Stiles carried Liam.

The car ride to the hospital was filled with whimpers from Liam and sorrys&are you okays from me.Once we got there Ms Mcall put him in a wheelchair and wheeled him of to get an x ray.

"ive got to go, I promised Malia I would help her study" Stiles said while walking of.

I turned to Scott. " You do know this isn't your fault right?if you used any werewolf power Liam wouldn't be limping he'd be crawling"I reassured him.

"Yeah I know, but if I wouldn't have been so worried about my status on the team then he wouldn't be hurt" He looked down, guilt clearly written all over his face.

" come on lets go check on him" I dragged him to Liams room.

Liams POV

"Knock Knock" I heard that all to familiar angelic voice.I didnt have to look up to know it was savanna.Scott mumbled something to her before running of.

"Hey how you feeling?" she asked me smiling.God I love her smile.

"Im fine just a little sore" I replied looking down at my swelled blue,purple ankle.

"im so sorry about Scott and Sti-" she was cut of by a loud roar echoing through out the hall. By the look on her face I could tell she knew who it was.

I got of the bed and hopped over to the door"who's there" I shouted.

A boy with pure white eyes and hundreds of sharp teeth walked over to me.I was frozen I couldn't move. But before it could attack me I was pushed out of the way. I looked up and saw Savanna fighting him she knocked him down then turned to look at me. I gasped, thats not Savanna , theres no way that could be her. Her face was blue like an avatar, she had pure green eyes,long canine like teeth and she had claws. what the hell?I stopped staring when the boy flew her across the hall making her smash into the wall and fall to the ground.The boy grabbed me by my neck and started dragging me.

"Savanna" I yelled "help me!"

The boy dragged me all the way up to the roof. We were by the edge when Scott&Savanna burst through the door.

"Sean stop we can help you, whatever you are we can help you"Scott yelled.

"No wendigos dont need help we need food!" the boy, who I now know as Sean, voice sounded evil. Scott stepped forward to help me but Sean took it the wrong way and through me of the roof.

"Liam!!" I heard Savanna shout.

I was about to slip when Scott bit me. Thats when I noticed the red eyes,canines,claws and extra facial hair.Sean released his grip on Scott so he pulled me up. I noticed that Sean was on the ground with a huge cut in his back but no weapon.

My eyes followed the trail of blood and saw a man with no mouth holding his finger up to his mouth, as if he was telling me not to tell anyone,and he threw the military tomohawk at Savanna.

"No"I yelled

Scott ran to her and put her in his arms as I was unable to move, I was frozen yet again.

"Savanna stay awake okay your gonna be okay" Scott said sounding like he was trying to reassure himself more than her.

She didnt say anything she just led there coughing up blood.

A single tear slid down my cheek as I watched her eyelids slowly close.

Savanna was dead and all I did was watch...


is she dead?
what ship name for Liam and Savanna? lavanna?or Siam?
what did you think of this chapter?
and dont worry I have a plan for how Savanna will come back alive.

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