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on the flashback bits imagine the scene in black and white.
Stiles POV

Today is finally the day that Savanna can come home. She's missed quite a lot since she's been in a come, like Liam's first full moon.

As Kira and Scott were dancing they didnt seem to realise that Liam was slowly regaining consciousness.Liam let out a low growl and started to try and break out of the chains.Kira took a step back so that she was hiding behind Scott."Are those chains gonna hold him?" Kira asked at the very moment that Liam broke free and jumped out the window.Scott told Kira to go inside and help Lydia, he then jumped out the window and began chasing Liam. He stopped when he couldn't see him anymore. Liam pushed Scott into a tree and began trying to claw at him,but he didnt get very far cause a light arrow was shot above Scotts head causing both werewolves to be blind for 10 seconds or more.
Once Scott regained his eyesight he looked up to see none other that Chris Argent."you got my text?" Scott asked him. "Sure did" he said "now go get him" He threw Scott a little remote with a big red button in the middle.
"What are you going to do?"
"hes your beta Scott , the better question is what are you going to do"
And with that Chris walked of back to his car and drove off.
Scott heard a yell in the distance and ran to where Liam was. He turned of the sound emitters, causing Liams pain to go.Liam rolled onto his back and said,"I can't let them see me like this. My mum,stepdad. I can't.The way they looked at me when they saw what I did to that car, i-i cant go through it again, im a-a...." Liam trailed off.
"a monster?" Scott finished. Liam nodded sadly looking down.
"your not a monster, your a werewolf." Scott stood up and looked at Liam and flashed his eyes red,
"like me"

Then there was when we found out about the deadpool.

Out of the corner of her eye, Lydia spotted Mason,a freshman, walking up the stairs.She didnt like people touching things that belonged to her or her family, so she followed him to tell him he's not aloud up there. When she was on her way back down to join the party she started hearing muffled whispers.As she turned around and began walking down the hall, she could hear what they were saying.
"Alison" she whispered . Tears started to form in her eyes . Lydia grabbed her laptop and opened the code she had written. She scrolled all the way to the bottom and clicked on the box. She then typed 'Alison'. The code started to change and tuned into names with numbers next to them.Lydia gasped when she saw her name and almost all of her friends names as well, but not Liams..

Then the quarantine, where Malia found out she was a Hale.

Stiles was banging on the door telling Scott that the antidote was on the shelf in a jar.But he knew they couldn't hear him so he gave up. He slid down the door just as Scott found the reishi(?)mushrooms. A couple of minutes later Scott had enough strength to open the door. Stiles stood up and hugged Scott with a death grip. Stiles pulled away and went to talk to Malia. He saw her looking at a piece of paper. "Malia?" She looked up at him then looked away. Stiles held his hand out to help her up but she got up by herself,gave him the paper and walked away. He unfolded the paper and his eyes widened.There at the top of the page, typed in bold letters, was ,
"Malia Hale 4"

There was also the assassins, Garrett and Violet, who were killed.

Garrett was challenging the berserkers to fight him.While he was fighting one berserker he didn't notice the other one sneak up behind him and stab him straight through the gut with his bone like blade and killed him.

A little while after, Scott and Chris were in some abandoned ware house where Chris used to work.They were fighting off the berserkers and one of them were about to kill Chris when Kate roared, making them stop fighting and follow her.Scott and Chris were about to leave when Scott noticed a human figure behind some curtain like things. He walked through it and stopped in his tracks. There,tied up to a chair,was Violet. Neck slashed,scratches and stab wounds all over her body while a pile of blood surrounded her.

Lastly was my favourite idea yet(note the sarcasm) Scott faked his death to try and catch the benefactor but it didn't work.

"Clear!" The doctors were trying everything to keep Scott alive, they even used a defibulater.They tried a couple more times before they declared him 'dead'.
Dr.Dunbar had to deliver the sad news to Melissa who was in on the plan and was told to play along. So she started screaming and crying.When she was calm she walked to the morgue,wiping away the last of her tears.
"This is pretty terrifying, I mean he looks dead"Melissa said.
"Give me your hand" Noshiko demanded.Noshiko took her hand and put it on Scott's neck for her to feel his pulse.
"Wait for it" Noshiko said. Melissa could faintly feel Scott's pulse rising beneath her fingers. "is that enough to keep a werewolf alive?"Melissa asked.
"Enough for a alpha"


tomorrow might be my last post for a week as I am going to visit my mum so I will write a long chapter tomorrow.

thanks x

Dangerous love-Teen Wolf(Liam Dunbar)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon