The new healer

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The pics an edit of a painting i did UwU...


Arms heavy, the genetecist was lead to her new "lab". It was small, but suficient, she thought, placing a small box of her belongings on the desk.

"I can make this work." Moira stated to herself, "It's a slight downgrade from what im used to, it shall, however, suffice. I assume it is only temporary?"

"Angela is in the midle of cleaning out one of the larger labs as we speek, you'll  be here until its done." Reyes spoke sternly.

"Tell her to get a move on, im not one for waiting around." She glared back, pulling out a few of her things and arranging them on her desk.

She had been recruited by overwatch, more precicely blackwatch,  so as the government could keep better tabs on her. Some of her reserch was deemed unethical so Angela, being the angel she is, had offered to pur her back on track.

"Gabe?" A quiet voice spoke, "jack wants to talk to you, i think its another mission."

The blackwatch comander instantly turned to the girl, she wasnt short but in comparison to some agents she was tiny. Her long dark hair was laisily braided and lay flat against the tshirt she wore.

Moira, currently too preocupied with her lab, turned to face the younger girl and extended a hand to her.

"Moira O'Deorain. Im the new geneticist."

Taking her hand you smiled back, "(Y/n) Reyes. Im the medic for the blackwatch unit. I think we'll be working very closely after what my brother here has told me."

She raised an eyebrow to that statement.

"(Y/n) can you show the doctor around for me, im going to see what jack wants.." Gabe sighed, heading to the door.

"Follow me." You smiled, enthusiasticaly, "Im gonna guess that gabe hasnt shown you your room yet?"

"Your asumption would be correct. Would i be wright in saying that you are a relative of the comander?" She held an inquisitive gaze upon you, as if she was trying to read you like an open book.

"Siblings." You smiled leading the other into the large elavator that conected the underground labs to the living quarters. "You're not an agent so you wont be first floor. Maby second floor? The rooms have name plates on them after that one time with gabe and the commander.."

"I can already imagine.." she laughed quietly.

After a 5 minute ride to the rooms and an unnecessarily long walk down the hallay, you came face to face with an oak door.

'Dr Moira O'Deorain.' Reading her name gave you chills.

"(Y/n)?" Moira asked startling you from your thoughts.

"The doors are on a handprint scanner. You can add more people to the access list if you go to winston. The commanders both have the universal keys so to speak, their handprints can open all doors in the building."

She reached out, her hard acrylics tapping on the class screen as she scanned her hand, the door clicking open. Athenas voice filled the room.

"Good Afternoon, Dr. I am Athena, the bases built in Artificial intelegence. Is there any way i can be of service?" The voice echoed thorough the partialy empty room.

"No, Athena. Im fine thanks." Moira instantly replied.

"As you wish." The A.I shut off.

The room was white on all walls. The floors were bare, the small area by the four poster bed carpeted in thick black fluffy carpet.

"I expected less after seeing the labs, this is absolutley grand." Her accent wavered towards the end of her sentence.

"Im gona head off then, let you explore the place yourself. If you need me, just ask athena, ill be in my lab.." you gave her a reasuring grin before turning and exiting.

Walking over to the door and closing it behind you, in the least gracefull way, she kicked off her shoes and fell back onto the kingsized bed.

"This'll do just fine." She smiled, sinking into the pillows.


So, if yall havent figured it out, i like moira a whooollleee lot so i wrote a story. Ive had this idea floating around in my head for ages. Its not gona be long unless people want it to be. Ive almost aways got spare time now im in college so actualy expect updates.

I have this mad idea that moira trys to speak super posh to help discuise her thicc jucy accent, hence i write her really posh when shes around others and casual when shes alone.

I cant wait to carry on with this one.

Feel free to correct me ❤❤❤❤


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