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"Let's go, Timothy!" Jude shouts up the stairs, using the mirror in the entrance hall to apply her lipstick. They were supposed to meet Kit, Lana and their kids for dinner tonight, and they were already 10 minutes behind schedule. Timothy takes the stairs two at a time and slides next to her.

"Okay," He chuckles, helping her into her coat. She takes a moment to straighten his tie and then pats his shoulders.


When Jude and Timothy arrive at the restraunt, they notice Lana and Kit trying to wrangle all three of their babies.

"Kit! Lana!" Jude shouts, rushing over to them. Lana perks up having heard her name, smiling when she sees Jude.

"Wow, you look amazing! How long has it been?"

"Just under three months! Look at you, Judy, you look fantastic. How has the Monsignor been treating you?"

"Perfectly, where is the little man?"  Lana smiles and unbuckles her son from his car seat. Of course, she had been sent birth announcements for all the children, so she knew their names already.

"Oh, look at him. He is just darling! Johnny Winters, how precious are you?" Jude asks, making the baby giggle. She hands him back to Lana, who turns to greet Timothy. Jude turns to help Kit, taking Julia from her car seat and bouncing her lightly.

"Kit, how are you?"

"I'm good, things have been a little hectic, but it's really good. Living with Lana is a lot of fun, for us and the little monsters." Jude laughs and holds Thomas while Kit struggles to collect all of their things.

"Timothy, look at how beautiful these babies are!" Timothy laughs and takes Julia from her arms, helping Lana with the stroller. Jude smiles at Timothy, her heart swelling with love for him. She could see him with their own child some day, but her fantasy is pulled away from her abruptly when Thomas starts fussing in her arms. Timothy looks over to Jude as Thomas fusses, and he watches her comforting him. He is struck by how in love with her he really is. He knew he would need to propose to her soon, he just couldn't contain himself any longer.

"Timothy," Jude calls from the door of the restaurant, holding it open for him. Kit, Lana and Johnny already inside. He shakes his head to clear it and tickles Julia's belly as he catches up to Jude, kissing her cheek lightly.

All throughout the meal, the adults juggle the restless babies, enjoying catching up with each other.

"That  was a lot of fun," Jude smiles as she stands in front of her vanity, taking out her earrings.

"Yes, it was," Timothy agrees, wrapping his arms around her waist and resting his chin on her shoulder. She smiles and watches him through the mirror as he struggles to loosen his tie.

"Babe?" He asks, watching her pull her golden curls into a bun.

"Huh?" She replies, pulling her dress over her head, leaving her in her bra and underwear. She pulls her nightgown over her head and removes her bra under the shield of the cream silk material.

"I love you a lot, Jude, and I've been thinking..."

"Yeah?" She asks, prodding him for more as she enters the bathroom to wash her face and brush her teeth. Timothy stands and leans against the doorway, having already changed into his pajamas. Jude gasps, coveting her mouth with her hand as he pulls out a ring with a beautiful dazzling diamond set in the center.

"Timothy?" She asks, nearly crying.

"Marry me, Judy?"

She slowly nods, sobbing as she sinks down in front of him.

"Of course, my love," She smiles, throwing her arms around his neck and kissing all over his face. She admires the ring over his shoulder, tears still streaming down her face.

Timothy fights back his own tears, kissing her lightly and walking with her over to the bed. She lays down, locking her arms around his neck. He chuckles, turning off the lamp on the bedside table before lifting her nightgown over her head.

"Jude?" Timothy whispers, reaching next to him. His hand hits empty sheets, and he sits up.


Timothy yawns and ties his robe around himself, pulling on a pair of pajama pants and searching upstairs for his fiancé.

"Jude?" He calls softly, peeking his head into the office and bathroom. She was nowhere to be seen. Timothy grows increasingly worried, hurrying down the stairs and into the living room. The light was on in the kitchen, and he finally let himself breathe a sigh of relief.

Jude was sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of tea balanced on her knees, which were pulled up to her chest.

"Hey, what's going on?" He asks softly, sitting across from her. She shakes her head and closes her eyes, wiping her cheeks. It was clear she had been crying, but for how long, he had no idea.

"Nothing," She says, sniffling. Jude sets her mug on the table and rests her head on her legs. He lets her be silent for a moment, then crouches down in front of her.

"Timothy," Jude whines, not meeting his eyes.

"What's wrong, rare bird?" He asks, rubbing her shoulders.

"Just... why? You didn't believe me. At Briarcliff. You were going to get me committed."

His heart drops, and he moves back. Jude fiddles with the edge of the file folder sitting in front of her. She sniffles and flips the folder open, looking up at him.

"What is that?" He asks, sitting back in his chair.

"Lana gave it to me at dinner. I couldn't sleep, so I thought I'd read through it to see what it was. It's a file of communications between you and Arden. Some from you and me. Some just from your office. Timothy, you lied to me. You were on Arden's side all along. You god damned lying bastard." She's angry now, nearly screaming at him.

"Jude, I didn't know he was conducting human experiments. I swear."

"Okay, that's bullshit and we both know it. But for now let's talk about how you thought I was crazy, and needed to be treated for my insanity." She waits patiently for Timothy to answer.

"You were talking crazy. Arthur had convinced me to stay quiet about it because if I exposed Briarcliff, it would expose us."

"Us? What 'us' Timothy? You never once showed me you cared about me! How dare you even think that."

"Judy, you knew I loved you then. I have loved you since the day I laid eyes on you at the convent."

They go back and forth for what feels like hours. She's tired of hearing his lies, and he's trying his hardest to feed them to her.

"Just tell me the truth," She begs, unable to hold her tears back.

"You won't love me anymore," He whispers, breaking down himself.

"You have two days to get your shit together. Until then, I'm gone. Let me know when you've come to you decision." Jude storms off and pulls a suitcase down from the closet, throwing her belongings into it. Timothy stays glued to his chair, crying.

Jude pauses at the threshold of the front door, turning to look over her shoulder at Timothy once more.

"You know, I though you hung the moon, Timothy Howard."

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