Guest List

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Timothy comes downstairs after laying Octavia down for her afternoon nap. Jude is sitting out in the back patio, biting her lip.

"What's wrong?" He asks, noticing the tension in her posture. He notices the papers in front of her and sighs.


"I think I should invite her. She's my best friend," Jude says, looking up at him.

"What do you want to do?"

"I don't know!"

"Well, she's your best friend. You guys aren't on good terms right now but that can easily be fixed. You're being stubborn."

"I'm being stubborn?" Timothy sighs and hangs his head. He can tell she's about to snap.

"Look, Jude. She apologized and you didn't want to accept that. Maybe it's time to reconcile. I think you'll regret it if she's not there."

Jude sighs and nods, rubbing her temples and gesturing for him to sit next to her. He takes the seat next to her and takes the guest list from her. He scans it and nods every now and then. The list is short, only about twenty people.

"It looks good, babe," Timothy says, taking her hand. Jude glances over her shoulder at him and nods, looking back towards the garden.

"What are you thinking about, Jude?"

"I'm so stressed about this. I don't know what to do, Timothy! I wish my mom were here to help me. She always gave the best advice."

"I know. This is a lot of work for everyone, Jude. But just thing, after it all, we'll finally be married."

Jude smiles, looking up at him.

"Yeah. You're right," She nods, collecting her papers and standing.

"Where are you going?"

"To take a nap. Come on," Jude smiles, holding her hand out for Timothy to take. He follows her. She sets the papers down on the kitchen table and heads upstairs, clearly exhausted. Timothy pulls back the covers, Jude practically already asleep when she lays down. Timothy wraps his arms around her, laying his head on her chest and falling asleep immediately.

He stays awake, thinking about who to invite from England. Obviously his mother and brother. Would his grandmother want to come? Would she approve of Jude? His grandmother is a very traditional thinker, and definitely wouldn't agree with the timeline. With Octavia being as old as she will when the wedding will happen. Timothy sighs. His grandmother practically raised them, he would have to invite her. He just hopes it goes smoothly. He hasn't talked to his family in years.

"Timothy?" Jude asks, stirring.

"Hmm?" He asks, looking at his watch. An hour has passed since he spaced out.

"Did you sleep?"


"Why not?" Jude asks, turning on her side and holding his face in her hand.

"I'm thinking. Is your mother coming to the wedding?"

"Of course."

Timothy nods.

"Why?" She asks, searching his eyes.

"I want to invite my grandmother, but she's very... conservative."

"And what? I'm to much of a whore to be your wife?" Jude asks, catching Timothy off guard.

"What? No of course not. What did I say about you calling yourself that? You're not a whore, but she'll hate the fact that Octavia will already be a year old."

"Oh, for Christ's sake," Jude groans, rolling out of bed and heading into the bathroom.

"What?" He asks, sitting up.

"Are you genuinely concerned about that?" She calls through the closed door.

"Well, no, but my grandmother raised me. I do value her opinions."

"Well, I don't know what to tell you. Maybe you shouldn't have fucking left with me? Who knows. I could have gone back to singing in dingy five bars and fucking random guys in back alleys and seedy motel rooms. Maybe we'd be better off."

"What is up with you, Jude?"

"I don't know," she sighs, looking up at him. "I'm just so stressed out! I mean, not about the wedding, but Octavia. She's going to be a year old already, and I feel like I barely remember it. And you, it's like I can't enjoy our time together without feeling like it's going to be ripped out from under me at any moment. I'm sorry," Jude says softly. Timothy takes her hand across the bed.

"I'm sorry. It's my fault."

"Shut up. We don't need to talk about it. I should have never brought it up."

"Jude, I want you to talk to me about things like this. Obviously, we can't forget Briarcliff. It's terrible, and it was fucked up, and I was a different man. I was going to lock you up because I didn't want you to ruin my reputation. Do you know how much that eats at me every single day? My life would be terrible without you, Jude. I'm so thankful for you, and Tav. I'm grateful that I was given a second chance with you. I than God every day for you. You mean the entire world to me, rare bird. Please don't ever think it's your fault."

Jude sniffles and smiles softly, taking his face in her hands and leaning forward to kiss him. He hugs her tightly, burying his face in her chest. Jude runs her fingers lightly through his hair, looking up at the ceiling and willing her tears away.

"I love you, Timothy."

"I love you more, Jude."

She giggles, wiping her tears. Timothy kisses her temple as he stands, hearing Octavia fussing from her room.

"I'll go start lunch."

"Sounds good."

Jude heads downstairs and starts to make lunch for them. She spots the guest list sitting on the table and one burning question rises in her mind.

What if Lana comes?

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