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I'm back bitches!!!! Surprised y'all or nah? Well any who let's get to where we left off.......


"Your new right?" She asked me. I nodded and she put her hand out.

"I'm Rachel Harris. You must be Jacob." I smiled and shook her hand. "That's me."






"That's Chresanto but we just call him Chres." Rachel told me. I returned the sly smile before continuing on with my sketch of Rachel.




"What would you like me to draw?" I asked. He contemplated for a second before whispering in my ear. "Can you draw me." He asked, his sexy voice causing me to shiver as his cool breath hit my ear. I bit my lip and nodded, grabbing the pencil the teacher had laid in the front of the room along with an easel with large sketching paper.





"We should have a sleepover. Ray and Ej got suspended and the rest of us can just skip school." Deja suggested.








"I don't appreciate you slapping my butt." I mean mugged him, pinching his nipple through his shirt. He screeched in pain as I giggled, placing the bags of chips on the counter.





I got up and pulled out the bag of lays chips and laid back where I was. Just as I began munching on them, Chres lifted me up and sat behind me, pulling me into his lap.

"Ooohh!" Prod yelled looking over at us.

"Prince your gay?" Star asked me. I sighed and nodded, looking back at Chres.

"And i'm bi." Chres spoke. Everyone gasped at his admitting it and he pulled me closer, kissing my cheek. I smiled and laid back on his chest as everyone awed.







As I closed the fridge, I was pulled back by my waist and lifted onto the counter top. I looked down to find Chres standing in between my legs.

"What the hell? You scared me." I whispered. He had a straight face on as he examined my bare chest and I immediately put my hands over it. I wasn't really built.

"What you doing up?" He asked as he placed his hands on my thighs and rubbed them.

"I was hungry and it's hot as shit up there." I shuddered. "What are YOU doing up?" I asked.





Deception (Sequel to Pride)Where stories live. Discover now